Kind officer refused to leave injured dog hit by car until help finally arrived

Police officers care for more than just the members of their community, they care for the animals as well. When duty calls, police officers are some of the first to respond. In one case, a police officer in Florida stayed by an injured dog’s side until help arrived, and the photo of the incident ended up going viral.
Officer Fiorelli steps up to the plate

It was just another day for Deputy Sheriff Josh Fiorelli. He was doing his daily rounds when he spotted a dog in distress. The dog had been hit by a car and had stumbled onto a grassy area. Fiorelli rushed to the animal’s side to see what he could do. He immediately called animal control, but instead of simply going about his business, he stayed by the dog’s side until help arrived.
Carlos Irizzy captures the moment on camera

As the incident unfolded, Carlos Irizzy walked upon the two. By that time, Fiorelli had removed his jacket and placed it across the injured dog to keep her warm. Irizzy was able to take a photo of the dog and kind-hearted police officer and posted it to Facebook where it went viral.
“It was cold out. She was wet. She didn’t have anyone there so I decided to be that person,” Fiorelli said.
The dog was injured and had to have surgery

After animal control arrived, the dog was taken in to get care. The dog, a 3-year-old pit bull, had sustained a leg injury, including a dislocated hip. The dog, named Fiona by the staff, had to have surgery to repair the damage, but soon her surgery was finished and she eventually made a full recovery.
Officer Fiorelli receives the recognition he so rightfully deserved

In addition to capturing the hearts of animal lovers across the Internet, Fiorelli also gained the recognition of the organization PETA. PETA sent the officer a framed certificate honoring him for his kindness, and some vegan cookies.

“This police officer showed immense kindness by staying at this dog’s side and giving her some comfort when she was afraid and in severe pain,” PETA Vice President, Colleen O’Brien, said. “PETA hopes his actions will inspire people always to treat animals with care and compassion.”
Fiona is still looking for a forever home

Due to Officer Fiorelli’s dedication to the people, and animals, of his community, Fiona was able to get the help she needed. Sadly, the shelter was unable to find her owner, since she was not wearing a collar nor did she have a microchip. She was eventually transferred to Pet Alliance, where she is still waiting for someone to adopt her into their home.
Hopefully, Fiona’s next owner will have a microchip implanted to prevent her from ever getting lost again. For more on how you can adopt from Osceola County Animal Services, visit the organization’s Website. Find out more about Officer Fiorelli and his dedication to Fiona in her time of need in the video below.
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