Cops refuse to leave injured, abandoned dogs alone until they get the help they need

It’s pretty safe to say that you never really know what you’re going to run into as a police officer, but these police officers certainly didn’t expect to find two terrified pit bulls on the side of a high-traffic road during their night shift.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

Patrick Hennessey gave the local police department a call at around 4:30 in the morning because the man spotted two dark figures hiding. When he decided to take a closer look, he eventually realized that they were two four-footers in need. These two pit bulls were not only absolutely terrified, but they seemed to be injured too. Patrick knew that these furry friends needed some help, and it was a good thing that the police were already on its way.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

When the officers arrived on the scene, one of them was met with quite a surprise. One of the pit bulls rushed towards him and lunged at his hand!

Luckily, the canine definitely had no bad intentions. Instead, she just wanted to find a comfortable spot right on the officer’s lap, and the deputy definitely didn’t mind at all.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

However, despite the friendly behavior of these pups, it was obvious that there was still something wrong. The two pit bulls were quite nervous and frightened, although the presence of the police officers did manage to calm them down.

One of the two pit bulls was in a considerably worse state, and her leg was bleeding extensively.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

Deputies Boggs and Reed immediately gave her first aid by applying gauze to help stop the bleeding, until further medical help arrived. It’s quite likely that the poor pit bull’s injuries were caused in a hit and run, as the street they were on was very high-traffic and even dangerous to be in.

A pedestrian, Adam, saw the whole thing happening and snapped a few pictures of the deputies and the frightened pit bulls, and it’s just absolutely heartwarming to see.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

Adam even sent the photo’s to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, with the following note:

“These pictures I took depict a loving nature from our deputies and will tug at any animal lover’s heartstrings. Thank you.”

The officers knew that these pups were absolutely scared, and they simply refused to leave them all by themselves.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

Unfortunately, these two pit bulls knew what it was like to be abandoned. Their previous owners left them behind to die, but these deputies wanted to make sure that the dogs felt loved. In fact, they even made sure that both of them were given plenty of kisses and cuddles until help from Animal Services could get to the scene.

When a reporter from the Orlando Sentinal spoke with Officer Reed, he immediately wanted to clarify a certain stereotype when it comes to pit bulls.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Source: Orange County Sheriff's Office

“There’s a big misconception when it comes to pitbull. I can’t tell you how many times I got nuzzled and licked by those dogs. Just a week after we brought them to Animal Services, they were the happiest dogs I’ve ever seen.”

After the two pit bulls were rescued, they were given new names: Liberty and Justice.

“We want Justice and Liberty to find a forever home. Hopefully together. Please adopt them. The deputies are spoken for :)” Orange County Animal Service wrote on their Facebook page.

Orange County Animal Services Source: Orange County Animal Services

Sometime later, the pit bulls actually got reunited with their two deputy friends who rescued them. They definitely remembered who they were and jumped right into their arms for some well-deserved cuddles and ‘thank you’ kisses.

Check out the heartwarming story of Liberty and Justice in the video below.

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Source: Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Epoch Times, Orlando Sentinel, The Dodo
