Police officers reenact “Dirty Dancing” scene earning 4.5M views


Sure, police officers are devoted to their mission of keeping their local communities and their fellow citizens safe, but one should not forget that they are humans, too.

Of course, they do police work most of the day, but who said they can’t have a fun moment every now and then? After all, everyone deserves to have some fun.

Unsplash/ Charles Fair Source: Unsplash/ Charles Fair

Especially police officers, whose job is very demanding and at times dangerous, deserve a few moments of rest and silly play.

Also, all these lipsync challenges accepted by Police Departments over the last couple of years, in part aimed at showing people that cops are just like them and in their free time they can have a sense of humor or even act silly! Some of the most successful have been Blytheville PD, Fort Smith PD, and Seattle PD.

But Grapevine PD officers didn’t back off from the challenge- on the contrary, not only did they accept it, but they took it to a whole new level!

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

“Okay, Grapevine. You asked for it, and now you shall receive. Our answer to the #LipSyncChallenge #LipSyncBattle is here. Feast your eyes and sing along to our medley,” they wrote in a Facebook post.

So, as they clearly state in their post, it’s not one song they are performing, but a medley including “What a feeling” and “The time of my life”.

The video begins with an officer who lipsyncs to “What a feeling” and… he’s really feeling it! He starts singing and then he sits in a chair and pulls a string that obviously turns some bucket over and he gets all soaked.

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

But this is exactly what he wanted: to experience his “supermodel” moment!

The officer keeps dancing using the chair as a prop and he’s ready to steal hearts with his performance!

Next, is “Footloose”.

The scene starts with a patrol car bearing the sign of Grapevine Police. Then we can see the officer from the previous sketch in a patrol car, along with a fellow officer and they lipsync together.

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

Then, they get out of the car and more officers and police staff are waiting for them there.

They all lipsync to the song and are ready to give it all!

There’s a woman with them who pretends to be drunk and trying to prove she can walk properly, but who can when “Footloose” is on? All they can do is dance, really.

Then, it’s time for “The time of my life”.

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

Two officers are walking towards the camera while singing at the same time.

They enter the gym- and the highlight of the whole video comes.

When the singers go “Because I’ve had the time of my life”, one officer lifts the other in the air, reenacting the most iconic scene of “Dirty Dancing”, when Johnny lifts Baby in the air at the end of their dance.

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

This is undoubtedly the funniest part of the whole video, and this pair just stole the show!

Eventually, both officers are back on the ground and their final “high-five” signals the end of the performance.

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

The video has gone viral with millions of views and thousands of positive reactions and comments, and we can’t really say we didn’t see that coming!


If you want to offer yourself two minutes of laughter, check out the Grapevine PD’s answer to the challenge in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Facebook, Patch
