Elderly woman lost her husband and home in same day gets 'adopted' by neighbor

How do you define a family?

Are these the people who you’re born into and raised you? Are these the people who grew up with you despite not having blood relations with them? Are these the people who fought with you when everyone else has left?

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Gean LeVar from Arizona made a fateful call when the most heartbreaking thing happened to her family. Little did she know, her life was about to turn upside down.

LeVar made a call because her husband of 58 years died in their home.

When the police responded to and entered their home in Glendale, Arizona, they were not ready for what they saw.

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The couple, it turns out, was living in such terrible conditions. Maybe through the years and through their age, they were unable to maintain their household. And in the end the authorities were left with no choice but to condemn the house.

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Condemning a property means that it will be closed or forfeited because it is deemed unsafe to live in and can pose a safety risk for the tenants and the people around them.

In just one day, LeVar lost her husband and her home.

It was a terrifyingly painful day for LeVar because, at her age, she was forced to deal with a situation where she needs to start from scratch.

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She has no children or other family members to turn to when she needs them the most. But not all families need to be related by blood.

Living nearby is Carmen Silva.

Silva barely knew LeVar but she knew enough that when a neighbor needs help, you try and do your best to assist them.

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Silva and her large family live in a small three-bedroom house. The couple has eight children but they didn’t have problems sharing space with LeVar.

The boys moved out of their room and into the couch just so LeVar can have a comfortable place to sleep in.

When asked in an interview if she took “being neighborly” to the extreme, Silva said no.

“I’ve always taught my kids to take care of their elders,” Silva told CBS.

And now, from being alone, LeVar found herself surrounded by a loving home. She shared to CBS that Silva’s family “means everything” to her.

When the volunteer organization Operation Enduring Gratitude learned that LeVar’s husband was a Navy veteran, they sprang into action.

The organization renovated LeVar’s house.

Volunteers repaired and refurbished the once-condemned home. Soon enough, LeVar found herself cutting the ribbon to the house that she left before. But now, her life is better than ever.

She may have lost her husband but through those difficult times, she found an organization that cared for her and her husband and a family that showed her what love truly means.

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LeVar shared that her new house won’t be just hers. She will share it with Silva and her family as that’s what families always do – stick together.

Watch how this woman’s life changed in an instant and the family who helped her get through it.

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Source: Facebook – CBS News, CBS, Facebook – Operation Enduring Gratitude
