Little sister records herself dancing then older brothers jump in for dance-off viewed by millions

As an older brother of two younger sisters, the concept of sibling feuds and fights is real. There was rarely a quiet day in our house growing up. Who knew the next prank I would pull on my sisters or the retaliation screams and yells they would release, trying to get me in trouble? This is a pretty common situation for most households. There was, however, the rare moment where we were all nice to each other and got along lovingly.
This little girl just wanted to film a dance video.

Dance videos are all the rage right now. TikTok is sweeping the younger generation as they release videos of little dance routines and funny content in a short video format. This little girl obviously wants to hop on the trend and release her dancing video!
Starting with her head down, it almost looks like a remake of a horror film!
Through no fault of her own, the little girl’s entire face is covered by her hair, giving a hilarious and slightly creepy vibe to the whole thing. There may even be a horror movie that includes a girl with her hair in her face like this! You soon realize, however, it is merely a cute little girl waiting for her part underneath all that hair.
As the music starts, she whips her hair up and starts dancing to the music!

With hair flying, the cute little girl starts her dance routine to the song “Rolex” by Ayo & Teo. This song is pretty popular with kids and teenagers and often includes some dance moves that most kids can follow along with.
More than a solo act, the girl is joined by her brother!

As she is dancing, she suddenly looks back and realizes that her brother has joined! He is obviously older than her, but they both get down to business, dancing to the song.
Make it a triple!

They aren’t done yet! A second and taller brother steps up to plate, and they all start dancing in unison! I am sure their mom will use this as video evidence that they can get along sometimes! You think it’s done but here comes brother three!
The third and tallest brother completes the entourage.

With the “no sibling left behind” act implemented by parents globally, the final brother steps into the picture. This little girl won’t have to worry about bullies as she gets older! They all finish out the song, led by their little sister. The complete the song and the video with their signature dance moves.
The dance is called the “Shoot/ Block Boy JB dance” and is pretty common for kids to do.
This mom is probably happy that the singling crew is peaceful for a while! Rather a dance than a war, right? Their video rose to fame as people loved the cuteness of the little girl as well as her brothers coming in to help with the dance! Who doesn’t like to see a bit of brotherly love shared with a sister? Siblings can definitely be hilarious.
Check out the full dance video below!
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