Orangutan spots visitor with severe burn wounds – his response to her scars is incredible

Rocky the Orangutan has won over the hearts of the entire internet, and all it took was one adorable interaction with a visitor at the Indiana Zoo.

Did you know that primates are actually some of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom?

Primates such as orangutans have a lot of common with us humans, much more than other animals. Scientists believe that it’s because of those similarities that they are able to communicate better with people, and they are also known to empathize with human feelings. That’s definitely something that holds true in the following adorable story.

Ludwig Kwan, Pexels Source: Ludwig Kwan, Pexels

Darci Miller was visiting the zoo with her fiancé Jason Costello, and they were enjoying their date in between all of the beautiful and exotic animals.

When the two lovebirds arrived at the orangutan enclosure, they were simply looking around. At one moment, an orangutan named Rocky comes closer towards Darci and wants to get her attention. It looks like the 12-year-old Rocky is trying to signal at her arm and shoulder, and he seems quite curious.

Newsflare, YouTube screenshot Source: Newsflare, YouTube screenshot

In 2015, the woman was involved in an accident and suffered from severe burn wounds on her arm and shoulder. The wounds were still healing.

The woman was simply doing yard work but was suddenly burned by gas fumes. A burn treatment center in the area was able to help her out, but she still needed to be covered in bandages in order for it to heal faster.

It’s clear that the orangutan noticed the burns as well, and he was anxiously curious and wanted to see what exactly was going on. Fiancé Jason captured the whole interaction on tape, and it’s both incredibly interesting and adorable to see how empathic this animal can be. Rocky then even points to the woman to reveal more of her burn injuries, and he’s studying and observing it closely.

Newsflare, YouTube screenshot Source: Newsflare, YouTube screenshot

“He left the group he was with interacting with and came over to a secluded window,” Darci told CBS News. “We went over to that window and he immediately wanted to see everything I had going on.”

“He was pointing at everything,” Miller said. “I was told he doesn’t know sign language, but in my opinion it was clear he knew something. He was engulfed in everything I had going on.”

Rocky seems to know that he can’t really do much to alleviate the situation, but you can tell that he’s trying to comfort the woman and is interested in her wellbeing. Even though no words were spoken, it was an incredibly meaningful moment for both of them.

Darci herself absolutely loved her interaction with the primate and says it made her feel really good that day.

Newsflare, YouTube screenshot Source: Newsflare, YouTube screenshot

“Little did I know I was going to have the best interaction with an orangutan named Rocky”, she said to The Mirror. “The orangutan was completely interested in my burn scars and recent surgery sights . . . I am a burn survivor from 2015, it has been up and down but this particular day made me feel really good about myself.”

“I’ve always seen videos of it happening and it’s never happened to me,” she added. “I’d always say, ‘This isn’t true. This isn’t real.’ That’s why I said I wanted to go back to see if he’d remember me, and he did. It was pretty amazing.”

It didn’t take long before the video spread like a wildfire on the internet, and soon enough major news outlets across the globe were picking up the cute video.

Be sure to check it out for yourself below!

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Source: Newsflare, The Mirror, CBS News
