Master orchid grower shares detailed tutorial to take guesswork out of watering

Orchids are beautiful plants and they seem to not need much to survive, right?

Well, tell that to the millions of people who’ve tried to grow them.

Orchids can be finicky.

Unsplash - Ardi Evans Source: Unsplash - Ardi Evans

They are beautiful, indeed, but they certainly need to be taken good care of in order to last long and bloom.

In fact, as far as we’re concerned, most of the orchids we’ve seen so far have maybe a couple of flowers and they are usually dry about a year after purchase.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Unsplash - Earl Wilcox Source: Unsplash - Earl Wilcox

Could it be that the plant itself is problematic? Or do most people not know how to properly water their orchids?

We’re rooting for the latter.

You see, orchids are indeed plants that need sunlight to bloom, but they should not be hit directly by the sun.

Unsplash - Fabien BELLANGER Source: Unsplash - Fabien BELLANGER

And when it comes to watering them, most people have no idea how to do it right and they usually end up killing the poor plant.

Thankfully, there’s a man from Ukraine, who has a YouTube channel named grandpa’s orchids.

He’s a master of his craft.

YouTube - grandpa's orchids Source: YouTube - grandpa's orchids

The channel is obviously about plants and gardening and, more specifically, it’s all about orchids and their maintenance.

A couple of years ago, the man uploaded his very first video about how to properly water an orchid and it went viral.

No wonder it did since there is hardly anyone out there who knows how to do it without being a gardener.

He makes it simple.

YouTube - grandpa's orchids Source: YouTube - grandpa's orchids

So, as the man explains, one needs to be careful with where they place the plant because it cannot tolerate very high temperatures.

Now, when it comes to watering them, orchids need to be watered every 7 to 10 days during the summer.

It matters how they’re watered.

First things first, the plant should be placed in a double pot, which means there should be one removable pot to drain after watering.

YouTube - grandpa's orchids Source: YouTube - grandpa's orchids

The man pours a mug of water into the pot and then adds an orchid fertilizer.

This plant likes two helpings.

He then adds a second mug of water and lets it all sit for about 15 to 20 minutes.

In the meantime, he goes on to remove the dried leaves and the dried roots.

Twenty minutes later, he lifts up the inner pot and makes sure the water has drained into the outer pot before putting the first pot down.

YouTube - grandpa's orchids Source: YouTube - grandpa's orchids

He then goes ahead to water the plant one last time using the water that has been collected in the outer pot, and he lets it all drain on its own as it sits on the stairs.

Remember that if you have an orchid in a decorative pot without holes, you’ll need to water it in the sink and make sure it has drained completely before putting it back into the decorative pot.

It’s as simple as that.

You just need to repeat this procedure every week or so in the summer.

YouTube - grandpa's orchids Source: YouTube - grandpa's orchids

Of course, he doesn’t forget to clean the second pot to make sure no bacteria will develop that could affect his plant in a negative way.

See this master orchid grower break down the finer details of watering in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – grandpa’s orchids, Costa Farms
