Orphaned kitten meets friendly dog and firmly decides that it’s her mom now

Sometimes, when you don’t have a mom, why not just pick one? Okay sure, it’s not always that simple. But if you had the option, you’d totally go for it, right?

Well, take a look at this stray kitten.

When you’re living on the streets with no one to count on, it helps if the right person comes along.

In this case, it was a dog several times its size. This dog was Toast, and I don’t think she ever expected to be someone’s adoptive mom.

The two met on the streets of Greece, right outside Toast’s home.

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

Toast was out with her own mom when the kitten approached. Knowing how small and vulnerable a kitten was, Toast’s mom reminded her to be careful.

This kitten took a liking to the dog.

Strangely, Toast’s mom noticed there was no sign of a mother cat anywhere. Greece’s streets are a very big place for a kitten, and not having a mother isn’t good news.

And that’s probably why it approached Toast so eagerly. You could say it looked a bit needy.

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

Of course, curiosity eventually leads to interaction.

After the initial meeting, the kitten invited itself into Toast and her mom’s home. This is when Toast’s mom began to notice what the kitten was after.

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

It only made sense.

They found the kitten without a mother, and Toast happened to be a gentle, female dog. She didn’t lay a paw on the kitten and proved herself incredibly gentle with it.

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

The kitten made it a point to stand in Toast’s food, snuggle between her legs and stomach, and try to get Toast to nurse her.

“Hey so um, can you be my mom?”, basically.

Toast didn’t really say no, so I guess she just went along with it. Now, this loving dog had another tiny reason to channel all that love into.

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

And she proved exactly that.

Toast watched over the tiny thing constantly, and always went out her way to protect it.

It seems like Toast just went along with the “mom” role, even though she didn’t sign up for it. I guess some of us are just ready, even when we don’t know it, huh?

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

Even after they’ve been weaned, a kitten still needs a mother in order to learn proper socialization.

Without a parental cue, kittens can learn inappropriate and dangerous biting, chasing, or scratching behavior.

Mama wouldn’t want that.

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

This one appears to be pretty reckless and carefree itself. Toast has to be vigilant constantly and often runs over to stop her from hurting herself.

A large, protective dog with a gentle exterior is a fantastic figure to have as a mom.

Just look:

YouTube screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube screenshot - The Dodo

And this kitten is going to be kept very safe, even if she doesn’t realize it. As for Toast, I hope her adoptive child doesn’t give her too much work to do.

Momma’s gotta rest every now and then too, you know?

Watch how this transpired in the video below!

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Source: The Dodo on YouTube, PAWS.org
