After dog’s sister passes away, dad gets him a very special Christmas gift

When a family pet dies, it affects more than just the humans in the family. Any other pets that are a part of the family feel the loss as well, and they mourn for their lost animal brother or sister. There are many ways to help your pet get over their depression when another pet dies, including what one family did by getting him a new puppy for Christmas.
And while they will never be able to replace their lost pet, their special gift at least allowed the dog, named Cash, to get over his depression and become more like his old self once again.
The family loses a beloved pet

The family was devastated when their Chihuahua-mix, Rosie, died. But it was Cash, the family’s golden retriever who took it the hardest, according to his owner Marie Ahonen. He completely slowed down and become depressed when Rosie died. He was so bad, that his family feared that he would get sick.
For his part, Cash did the best he could and was always a good boy, despite his sadness. But the family knew it would take time for them and Cash to get over Rosie’s death.
The family decided to surprise Cash

Three years after Rosie had passed away, the family decided that it was time to move on. As for 12-year-old Cash, his family felt that he would probably need a companion to help him get over the loss of his sister.
So, picking what they deemed the perfect puppy, the family planned a Christmas surprise for Cash.
Cash can’t believe his eyes

In a video of the occasion, Cash’s dad is seen walking into the room carrying a wrapped Christmas present. Cash excitedly follows by his side, anxious to see what is in the box. He has no idea what is inside. As his dad places the box on the floor, Cash pushes the lid to one side.
Soon, a puppy’s head peeps out. Cash is beside himself and at first, seems unsure about what is going on. He then gets closer to take a look at the puppy. He appears to be wondering, “Who is this little guy, and why is he here?”
The two dogs are soon happily playing together

Scampering around, Cash sniffs the puppy, trying to figure what is going on. Before you know it, the two are running around the room together and Cash seems to be himself once again.
On YouTube, the video has gotten over 7 million views and 135,000 likes.
The puppy is just what Cash needed

Fortunately, the new puppy was just what Cash needed to get over his sadness and depression. And while he will never forget Rosie and what she meant to him, Cash now has a new friend to play with.
For more on Cash and his new puppy sibling, check out the video below.
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H/T: I Love My Dog So Much, Rumble