Owner gets dog a new sibling for Christmas – watch the emotional moment they finally meet

Christmas is definitely the most joyful and fun time of the year, especially for this adorable senior dog. If you’d like to see a sweet dog absolutely go wild when he discovers his Christmas present, you’re in for an absolute treat. Dogs have a very wide range of emotions and even though we can’t talk to them, their body language says it all.

And we’re pretty sure that the emotions of the following dog can’t be misunderstood.

Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot Source: Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot

Meet Cash, a 12-year-old golden retriever who has won over the hearts of the entire internet.

The pup’s owners have noticed that Cash had become quite lonely in the past few years, and it all happened ever since his best friend Rosie passed away. The poor dog hasn’t been the same since Rosie wasn’t there anymore, and he was left with a major void in his life. Cash didn’t really know what to do anymore without Rosie, and he was often helpless or sad.

It was clear that the lonely dog needed to have a little bit of companion – not just from humans, but from a fellow four-footer as well.

Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot Source: Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot

Even though Cash wasn’t as energetic as he used to be, the pup was still a very, very good, loyal and kind boy. In other words, he deserved to have a Christmas present just like everyone else.

When his owner starts putting a fairly large box on the ground, Cash is immediately curious and starts sniffing.

When the box was finally open, a sweet puppy was eagerly waiting to say hello!

Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot Source: Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot

And it only takes a couple of seconds before you can see the dog’s excitement go through the roof. The senior pup simply can’t stop wagging his tail and he’s absolutely elated to meet his new friend. Cash’s reaction is something that is hard to describe, the moving footage really says more than a thousand words.

Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot Source: Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot

The amazing video has gone viral on YouTube with almost 7 million views.

Even though the video mostly has a ton of positive comments as people think the two are absolutely adorable, there was also some criticism in the comments section of YouTube. The naysayers feel like the puppy is ‘replacing’ Rosie.

Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot Source: Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot

Luckily, the positive comments far outnumber and outweigh the negative.

“For the people saying he’s “being replaced” more than likely you’ve never had one. Looks like the older one has a great personality, not only will the puppy keep him active and busy when he needs it most but maybe some of his traits will rub off on the pup. My lab that passed definitely taught the lab we have now a thing or two and I’m so grateful for it. This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day,” one of the viewers posted in defense of the owners.

Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot Source: Caters Clips, YouTube screenshot

And it’s definitely hard to argue with that last sentence because the first encounter between Cash and his new puppy friend is absolutely amazing and heartwarming. Be sure to check out the video for yourself below.

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Source: Caters Clips
