Thief steals package from doorstep not knowing revenge is hidden inside

Online shopping has become an increasingly important part of our daily lives. Unfortunately, this has given rise to a new type of thief, ones who are sometimes dubbed “Porch Bandits” or “Porch Pirates.” They are the ones who steal our packages and force us to deal with Amazon customer service.

If you have never had this happen to you, consider yourself quite fortunate.

Imagine ordering an important item, or just one you were really looking forward to receiving, only to have someone swipe it off your porch before you can bring it inside.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

Tom Mabe likes to shop online.

YouTuber Tom Mabe runs a channel called “Mabe in America.” He also doesn’t like having packages stolen from his porch.

Mabe noticed that his packages kept disappearing and was not happy about this. He decided to investigate by placing surveillance cameras at the front of his house.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

Tom Mabe has a plan.

Mabe didn’t want to just stop his packages from disappearing, he wanted to get revenge on the people who were stealing them. He came up with a rather ingenious way to get even.

Tom isn’t your average online shopper, you see. His YouTube channel is filled with pranks and funny videos, so he decided to pull a prank on someone who needed to get their comeuppance.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

Tom plants a package on his porch.

Tom decided he was going to make a very special package for the porch bandits in his area to steal. He asked his friends to help him out with his plan. Tom and his friends then filled the package with dog poop.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

Having the thief just open a box of dog poop would be good enough for some folks, but not Tom. He decided to take things up a notch.

Tom rigged some very small and harmless explosives around the box as well.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

Waiting is the hardest part.

It would be a couple of days before Tom’s fake package attracted any porch bandits. The waiting must have been excruciating.

“The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part,” – Tom Petty.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

That’s it, take the package…

Finally, a suspiciously driving car stopped right outside of Tom’s house. A man in a white shirt got out, walked up to the porch, and grabbed the package. Tom tried to see if he could recognize the man, but he didn’t know who he was.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

The man placed the box in his car, which was unfortunate for him.

Tom rigged the package so that it would explode 40 seconds after being taken from his porch.

The 40 seconds ensured that he wouldn’t get any mess on his property.

YouTube - Mabe in America Source: YouTube - Mabe in America

Sweet, smelly revenge!

Just as the man’s car was about to drive out of Tom’s camera range, it stopped. The thief quickly exited his vehicle covered with dog poop. The inside of his car was likely in way worse shape. The man will certainly think twice the next time he decides to steal a package from someone’s porch.

“I love a story with a happy ending,” wrote one of Tom’s YouTube viewers.
“It was 100x better knowing it got all over the interior of his car,” wrote another.
“I could watch this every day for a year! I love when justice is done!”

Watch the video below to see Tom get some truly sweet and smelly revenge.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: MabeinAmerica/WQLZ
