Painter receives life-changing surgery on Christmas to fix his abnormally large nose

It can be hard living with insecurity about your looks. Looks aren’t everything, though. But that advice is way easier to give than to practice. Sometimes, we just can’t shake off the feeling that our ears are too big, or that our pores are too obvious.

But as frustrating as that can be, it’s another thing to have your looks affected by a condition you have little control over. That’s what happened to this man here.

Meet Conrado Ramos Estrada, a house painter who suffered from an enlarged nose.

Estrada was so ashamed of his nose that he frequently wore a face mask even before COVID to hide it. It severely affected his quality of life and it’s not hard to see why.

For much of his life, Estrada had to live with his large and distracting nose.

The 57-year-old painter’s nose was caused by a condition called rhinophyma.

It wasn’t just his looks that the enlarged nose caused him problems for. It made breathing and eating pretty difficult too. His nose hung over his mouth, which was even worse than just having a weird nose.

Estrada’s life was way harder than it had to be thanks to his rhinophyma.

It seemed like he’d just have to live with it now. That was until he caught the eye of Dr. Thomas Romo, a plastic surgeon.

Dr. Romo didn’t hold back his reaction to Estrada’s nose. As a plastic surgeon, he’s seen his fair share of strange-looking body parts. His uncensored reaction to the painter’s nose was to liken it to “a male appendage.”

“I’m looking at him in the yard, and I’m going, ‘what the hell is that on that guy’s nose over there?’ he said

The Dr. knew that Estrada couldn’t keep living like this.

People were making fun of the poor man, and he already had to deal with difficulty breathing and eating.

Rhinophyma is no joke. It’s rare and there’s no way to treat it. Even Estrada himself comments on having sought help before to no avail. Surgery really was the only way.

“I had spent six years seeing doctors and skin specialists and nothing would get better.” said Estrada

Call it fate that Estrada crossed paths with a plastic surgeon, but Dr. Romo knew he might be the only one who could help.

“I see this guy and I just told my staff … ‘We’re going to take care of this guy.’ I said ‘book him. We’re not going to charge him.’”

Dr. Romo offered to fix Estrada’s nose free of charge. So they got the paperwork done and did just that.

The operation was a success. The best words you could use to describe it are “Life-changing.” It was like Estrada was a whole different person.

His mood was instantly lifted and he wore a bigger smile on his face. Dr. Romo did something that Estrada would never forget, and he doesn’t plan on stopping with just the Guatmela-born painter.

The kind surgeon vows to help more people the way he did with Estrada.

Through his Little Baby Face Foundation, he wants to provide more operations free of charge to help improve people’s quality of life.

There are, after all, lots of folks out there with birth defects or conditions that affect their body parts. So let’s give credit to the compassionate Dr. Romo and hope he achieves his goal!

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Source: Dr. Thomas Romo III, MD, FACS on Facebook, Fox News
