Naughty panda cubs try to outsmart zookeeper at medicine time

Being a panda care-taker sounds like a dream job, right?

Of course it does, because it is!

Who wouldn’t love to be surrounded by panda cubs all day, caring for them, feeding them and playing with them?

Unsplash/ Sid Balachandran Source: Unsplash/ Sid Balachandran

But, just like babies, caring for panda cubs does not only involve hugs, snuggles, and fun moments.

There are also difficult times- like, for example, when you have to give them some medicine.

Panda cubs, similar to any other baby, don’t exactly love taking medicine.

And they are ready to do anything in order to avoid it!

In the video below, we can see two panda cubs teaming up to resist their medication- and they’re determined to succeed!

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The video in question comes from security cameras at the Chengdu Zoo in China.

The specific zoo is home to 3000 animals belonging to 300 different species, with one of the biggest attractions being the giant pandas they host.

And, although it is said that the Chengdu Zoo provides poor living conditions for its animals, mainly due to lack of space, as we can see below, at least the people working there are committed to properly caring for these animals and seem to love working with them.

In the video below, one of the zookeepers enters the panda enclosure to give them their medicine, which the cubs are not particularly happy about.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

The young man is holding a syringe and is trying to properly put it in the mouth of a panda cub- but to no avail.

The other one tries to distract him in order to “save” his friend.

Just when the keeper has managed to properly place the syringe inside the panda’s mouth, his fellow starts climbing the man’s back, not letting him do his job.

The panda starts licking the man’s head, and he decides to act drastically: he just sweeps the cub under his arm and brings it in front of him with great skill.

Poor panda had no idea the medicine was not only destined for his friend, but it was for him, too!

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

Before the keeper manages to give him the medicine, the other cub comes back, this time pulling the man’s arm in order to free his friend.

The man then decides that if he stands up, it will be easier for him to do his job. But he’s wrong.

The panda cubs surround him and start grabbing his legs, trying to play with him.

At some point, and as the keeper is trying hard to do his job, one of the cubs falls on the ground. The man is kind of startled while at the same time, judging by the look on his face, he’s sorry for that.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

Again, he keeps trying, while the pandas do everything to avoid the medicine, with one cub even climbing on the other in order to stop the man from giving them the content of the syringe.

Eventually, and just when we think the zookeeper is successful in giving the medicine, we realize the panda has the whole syringe in its mouth.

Thankfully, the man manages to take it out, and that marks also the end of the video.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

While there’s no way of knowing if the panda cubs took their medicine that day, one thing is for sure: that the YouTube community has loved them and has made their video viral with more than 15 million views!

You can watch it too, by clicking play below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: CGTN, BBC, Wikipedia
