Dog paralyzed with fear finally learns what love is

It’s sad knowing that there are countless dogs out there that are being treated badly by their cruel owners. From physical abuse, abandoning them, getting them involved in dog fighting, and worst, starving them to death.

These creatures that we call “man’s best friend”, sadly, couldn’t say the same to humans because of what seems to be a never ceasing case of animal cruelty.

Bruno’s rough start in life

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Bruno, an eight-year-old pit bull, endured a life of confinement in a small outdoor enclosure. However, his story took a positive turn when he was rescued from those cruel conditions by the I Stand With My Pack organization in November of 2022.

Following his rescue, the nonprofit reached out to Angela Adan, an experienced individual dedicated to rehabilitating dogs and ensuring they find loving homes. With over 12 years of experience and having helped more than 1000 dogs, Angela encountered many special needs cases, but none quite like Bruno.

Angela explained that Bruno displayed a profound fear that often left him paralyzed emotionally.

“He was just way more shut down than the other dogs I’ve had. I’ve worked with dogs like him, but not ones that are so unwilling to move,” she said.

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Initially, even the simplest tasks proved challenging for Bruno, such as visiting the vet. Angela had to carefully lift him onto a large blanket and gently guide him to and from her car.

Gaining Bruno’s trust

Angela recognized the importance of teaching Bruno to feel comfortable in the world through patience, calmness, and kindness. It was a slow process, but Bruno gradually began showing signs of opening up.

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Anglea shared an encouraging moment, saying, “He wagged his tail at me the other day, which is really cool. It was like for a brief second, but it happened, and I’m just trying to build those moments for him so he has more of them.”

To gain Bruno’s trust, Angela used a unique approach—offering him food with her hands. This act served as a way to demonstrate that he was safe with her and that she meant no harm.

Little by little, Bruno started to break down the walls he had built against humans. He began interacting with Angela in ways that surprised her and showed signs of a newfound trust.

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One day, Bruno amazed Angela by getting up from his bed swiftly and independently—a significant milestone considering his previously distant and aloof behavior.

A new version of Bruno

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His progress continued as Bruno willingly went on walks outside and even approached Angela on his own accord. It became evident that he was starting to trust the person who had dedicated herself to rebuilding his trust in humans.

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After two months of consistent love and care, Bruno began wagging his tail and smiling from ear to ear. The fearful and withdrawn dog he once was had completely transformed.

Once Bruno was deemed fully healthy and ready, he was put up for adoption. It didn’t take long for a family to express interest in giving him a forever home.

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After a series of visits and interactions, the family finally adopted Bruno, bringing him to his new home, where his new family eagerly awaited him.

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Once again, Bruno experienced the genuine love and care he deserved. It was truly a remarkable story of physical and emotional recovery. The dog who was once fearful and reserved had blossomed into a loving and gentle giant.

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Source: YouTube – We Love Animals, USA Today
