Parents come home from vacation and discover daughters have transformed their home

Parents have a lifetime job the moment mom gets pregnant. It never stops and even though they leave the kids alone when they grow up, deep down, they still truly care.

We will never be able to repay all that mom and dad did for us, but to show them random acts of love and kindness certainly goes a long way in making them smile.

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A group of sisters got together to plan a special surprise for their parents for Christmas.

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Karen and Chip Schoonover live in Conway, South Carolina. They have four daughters that are all grown up but still love and adore their parents.

Karen and Chip went on a week-long vacation and that was the perfect time for the sisters to team up for the best surprise. They decided to give their parents’ home a makeover. The moment mom and dad left, the sisters made their way to the house to begin their plan.

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The first step was cleaning and packing up all their parents’ stuff. It’s common for married people to hoard stuff over time. This was 30 years worth of unused junk. The girls had to find a new spot for everything.

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A new paint job was the next step. After just these two steps, the place already looked so much better. Amazing what fresh paint can do!

The sisters cleaned and scrubbed away making the house look almost new.

It was a week long job but the girls did it as a team. It was not easy with the sisters busy for six full days. They went at it from morning til evening, going at it until they spent all their energy. Only to do it again the next day.

No shortcuts and no compromises here!

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The time came for the big reveal.

The sisters waited patiently for their parents to walk in. They were so eager and couldn’t wait to see how mom and dad would react. It was a lot of work and the girls hoped their parents would love it!

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Of course it was a success!

Mom and dad noticed the clean front yard. It was the first part of the transformation that stood out the moment they arrived. Karen does admit that she had wished someone would clean for her while she was away on vacation.

Wish granted. And it wasn’t just the front yard that’s going to shock Chip and Karen!

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The whole place was upgraded! This couldn’t possibly be their house!

Karen and Chip get a tour of their beautiful home courtesy of the girls so they can see all the amazing changes. From the yard to the paint, the bedroom and the kitchen, the sisters did them all.

Chip and Karen are more than grateful. Their daughters took an entire week off just to surprise them. And that is another way of saying, thank you and we love you very much.

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Best Christmas ever!

Talk about inspiring! There are tons of ways to show our love and gratitude for mom and dad. You just need to open your eyes and listen as well. Even a simple visit with their favorite food works!

Watch below and see how the sisters transform the place!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – The4Hclub
