Parents capture newborn twin son's short life with heart-stirring photos

For new parents bringing a bundle of joy into the world is one of the greatest gifts of all time. Parents get to cherish every breath their new baby takes, making every moment monumental. As for this Ohio couple, Lindsay and Matthew Brentlinger were welcoming a set of fraternal twins into the world.

But fate had a different plan for these sweet new parents.

Flickr/Liam Somerville Source: Flickr/Liam Somerville

During Lindsay’s pregnancy, she was informed that her son, William had a heart deformity and would probably be still-born. However, on December 17, 2016, the Brentlinger’s met their two bright-eyed babies looking healthy as ever.

Their new son William and daughter Reagan were more perfect than they could have ever imagined.

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

Lyndsay and Matthew were so honored to be the parents of two beautiful twins. But they both knew their time with William wouldn’t be as long as they wished for due to his troubling heart condition.

Nevertheless, every moment spent with William was an ultimate blessing.

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

A dear family friend thought to gift Lindsay and William with a last-minute photoshoot to remember their beautiful babies together.

So she reached out to a popular photographer she followed on Facebook and told the photographer the Brentlinger’s story. Being so close to Christmas time, photographer Lindsey Brown had been all booked up and even had to turn away other new parents.

But when Brown heard the Brentlingers heartfelt story she did everything in her power to switch her schedule in order to create a breathtaking shoot for them.

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

Usually Brown would photograph the newborns in her studio, but because of William’s severe heart condition, he was under hospice care. So Brown went to Brentlinger’s home as soon as possible to photograph precious William and Reagan. What Brown captured that day will truly leave you speechless. Lindsey Brentlinger even told CNN,

“I could not believe how perfect they both looked … William was extremely alert, as if he was trying to take it all in, while little Reagan slept and barely opened her eyes. It was extremely bittersweet the entire time I was there.”

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

These photographs Brown took symbolize the purity of life in such an honorable way.

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

William’s eyes tell a beautiful story that is sure to leave you with the chills. Sister Raegan is peacefully sleeping beside him, while William is faithfully attentive enjoying every minute.

The power of a photograph is immensely moving as these pictures tell an everlasting story.

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

With a heavy heart, William passed away days after the photos were taken. But the pictures Brown created for the Brentlinger’s live-on to tell the story of precious William. The Brentlinger’s felt so fortunate to be apart of William’s sweet shortened life. Matthew later told 13 abc,

“They were the happiest 11 days of my life.”

Lindsey Brown Photography Source: Lindsey Brown Photography

William has forever left a mark on the hearts of the Brentlinger family. He will live on to be the greatest angel of all time and there’s no denying that.

William’s spirit lives on for eternity and with these astonishing photographs, they will always be able to enjoy those gorgeous eyes.

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Source: Lindsey Brown Photography, ParentingIsntEasy, CNN, Today, 13abc,
