38 Parents Who Passed Down Special Features To Their Children

Even though parents and their children share the same DNA, that doesn’t mean they always look alike. Then again, some have such a strong resemblance, you know immediately they’re family. In those instances, no DNA test is needed. Here you have 38 examples of children who have striking characteristics of their moms and dads.

1. Luscious locks

While it’s not uncommon to see one, maybe two people in the same family with long, flowing hair, but four? The mother’s hair almost touches the ground. But it looks like it won’t take long for her daughters to catch up.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

2. Like father like son

Although the internet is flooded with daddy/child photos, this one is hard to beat. Not only are the two snuggled up to one another but they’re striking an identical pose. Even their faces look alike.

Reddit/sstr677 Source: Reddit/sstr677

3. How about a father and daughter?

This dad and daughter have the same skin disorder known as Vitiligo. What makes this photo extra-special is that the condition is rare. Even with it, they don’t stop smiling.

Twitter@_jediluke_ Source: Twitter@_jediluke_

4. Rolling tummy duo

This dad has a special skill. He can roll his stomach. But when he points to his son’s tummy, the boy can do the same thing. Together, they’re the “rolling tummy duo.” This is so cute.


5. Heterochromia iridium

That’s a fancy medical term for people who have eyes of different colors. It’s unusual to see a mother and daughter with the same condition. But here’s the deal, both their brown and blue eyes are gorgeous.

Reddit/x511100x Source: Reddit/x511100x

6. Naptime

Even as father-in-law and son-in-law, these guys fall asleep at the same time. According to the poster, this happened when the two wives went shopping. It looks like they’re just not into the whole buying thing.

Reddit/justinerwin Source: Reddit/justinerwin

7. Mini-me

If you spend any time online looking at videos and photos, you’ve probably seen kids cruising around in miniature cars. But a small version of a Volkswagen van? This takes the cake. We had no clue these even existed.

Reddit/Breakno Source: Reddit/Breakno

8. Inherited habits

Sometimes, daughters inherit the sleeping habits of their moms, which this photo proves. They both prefer to sleep on their backs with their arms raised above the head. And the matching pajama tops are a nice touch.

Reddit/skeemz86 Source: Reddit/skeemz86

9. One in the same

At almost one years of age, this mother and daughter look more like the same person. If this mom had put her daughter in the dress she wore, it’d be hard to tell them apart.


10. It’s all about the lips

Often, babies are born with features identical to one or both parents. Although we don’t know what their lips look like when they’re awake, while sleeping, they look the same.

Reddit/beet111 Source: Reddit/beet111

11. Staying cool

This father and his son are relaxing in the swimming pool, sunglasses and all. But they’re also enjoying a little something to drink. Of course, the baby’s beverage doesn’t contain alcohol.

Reddit/BayAreaBeerFan Source: Reddit/BayAreaBeerFan

12. 100 percent natural

No, this mother and daughter didn’t pay good money to have a blond streak added to their naturally dark hair. Instead, this occurrence is known as the “Mallen Streak.” It happens when a portion of the hair doesn’t have melanin.

Twitter@genegamestrong Source: Twitter@genegamestrong

13. Headbangers

While visiting the Grand Canyon, this mother and her son decided to do a little headbanging. We don’t know why but the photo shows they have the same body movements. Even the way the wind blew their hair is almost identical.

Reddit/maximvm Source: Reddit/maximvm

14. True beauties

This woman was born with incredibly beautiful eyes. Fortunately for her daughter, she inherited them. Against their dark skin and hair, they’re the most amazing color.

Imgur/dabanad Source: Imgur/dabanad

15. One person or two?

If no one told you, you might think this was the same individual. But in reality, that’s a photo of a father next to one of his son 20 years later. They’re a spitting image of each other.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

16. Follow the leader

Whatever facial expressions this dad makes, his daughter follows suit. We’re not sure if she’s just mesmerized by him or if it’s all about having the same DNA.

Imgur/iliekpulse Source: Imgur/iliekpulse

17. Identical twins

Initially, it looks that way. But one photo is of a dad and the other of his son taken when they were the same age. The resemblance of these two is uncanny and super cool.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

18. There’s no question…

…these two are related. Sleeping side by side, you can see just how much they’re alike. But look at the details. Even the slightly raised pinky fingers are the same.

Reddit/Blestoch Source: Reddit/Blestoch

19. Just chillin’

What’s not to love about this photo of a father and his son? The writing is on the wall for them. As this little boy grows up, his dad will always be his hero. We can envision them watching football games together for many years to come.

Reddit/GLMike Source: Reddit/GLMike

20. Lookalikes

Here’s another sweet photo of a parent and child when they were the same age. But in this case, the one on the left is the dad and the one on the right, his daughter. Although they’re different genders, they have the same facial features and gorgeous curly hair.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

21. Two standouts

Yes, you can tell this is a father and son. But if you look closely, you’ll notice they share two specific things. The first are their crystal blue eyes. The second, is that their beards grow out the same. What do you want to bet they’re best friends?

Reddit/Booksoney Source: Reddit/Booksoney

22. Shared DNA

This is rather unique. This young man ended up with one thumb that looks exactly like his dads and one that looks just like his moms. That’s not something you see very often.

Reddit/ChewyPickle Source: Reddit/ChewyPickle

23. A love of motorcycles

With DNA, some kids look like one or both parents while others have similar interests. Case in point, this small boy who has a passion for motorcycles like his dad. And from the looks of it, he’s already mastered his pint-sized bike.

Reddit/dondeee79 Source: Reddit/dondeee79

24. Their expression says it all

Yep…that’s a father and son. We don’t know what they’re looking at but whatever it is, it prompted them to react in virtually the same way.

Imgur Source: Imgur

25. Side by side

We wanted to share these side by side photos of a father and son as well because it’s pretty cool. The son dressed like his dad did years prior. But even if he’d worn something different, you could immediately identify a connection.

Reddit/Sgt_Yu Source: Reddit/Sgt_Yu

26. Truly unbelievable

Just look at these two. This father and son share identical features, the eyes, nose, lips, and even chins are the same. This is probably one of the most remarkable comparisons we’ve seen.


27. Those smiles

One look at these photos and you can tell the two babies are related. Everything about them looks so much alike, especially those adorable smiles that go from ear to ear.


28. Three generations

In this photo, there’s the grandmother, mother, and daughter. This is awesome. One day, the youngest girl will have an incredible image to look back on. Hopefully, if she has a girl, she’ll continue this tradition.


29. A dad and his little girl

This little girl strongly resembles her father when he was her age. Even though they’re different genders, there’s no denying they’re kin.


30. What a cool idea

Usually, people post entire faces to show the similarities between kids and their parents. But this individual came up with a fantastic idea. Other than the mouth, you’d never know these were two different babies.


31. High school photos

These might be a generation apart, but this son and dad share so many features. They both look like strong young men who share a love of football.


32. Strong resemblance

Although this is a mother and her son, you can still see an incredibly strong resemblance. Perhaps if the boy’s hair was shorter, you’d see even a stronger connection.


33. Sisters, right?

That’s probably the first you think you thought when looking at these side by side photos. In reality, one’s the mother at age two and the other, her daughter. They’re both so adorable.


34. It’s the eyes

Oh, wait, maybe it’s the nose. Then again, it could be the mouth. Okay, let’s just say all their features look pretty much the same.


35. Only five months old

It wasn’t until this mom put a picture of her son up next to hers, both at age five months, that she realized just how much they resemble each other. We love this.


36. Newborn babies

Even at just 10 days old, this mom and her new daughter have a strikingly close appearance. More than likely, they’ll start to look even more alike as this infant gets older.


37. First grade

Most kids feel a little nervous but also excited to start school. This mom and her daughter seem happy to be going into the first grade. Not only do they have the same face but also the same hairstyle.


38. The biggest smiles

The first thing you notice about this father and his youngest child is that they share the same huge smile. But they also have many other similarities. Yep, they’re related.


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Source: Bright Side
