Mom welcomes healthy 14-pound baby boy after suffering 19 miscarriages

A family’s little miracle isn’t so little after all.

After trying unsuccessfully to bring another child into their family, Cary and Tim Patonai were overjoyed when baby Finnley was born. The adorable new addition made quite the entrance weighing in at a whopping 14 lbs. 1 oz.

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‘Little celebrity Finnley’

Doctors and nurses were blown away by the infant’s size and news of his birth spread like wildfire through the hospital. The proud mom told ABC – 15 Arizona that the excitement in the delivery room was off the charts and everyone in the hospital wanted to take a selfie with her new bundle of joy.

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From heartache to joy.

The family already had two adorable boys but their parenting journey wasn’t an easy one. According to ABC 15, Cary had suffered through a total of 19 miscarriages but never gave up on her dream of having three children. “We knew it wasn’t the end of our story…we really wanted to have three children. You still have those moments you know…crying in the shower…crying in bed…holding each other and just crying… it’s hard.” – Cary told TODAY With Finnley’s arrival, the tough road has been worth it for this happy family.

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Super baby!

Cary posted her wonderful baby news on Facebook and made sure that her family and friends were aware of her baby’s celebrity status at the hospital. She posted the message, “Finnley is the biggest baby he’s ever delivered, along with another obgyn of 27 years, & a nurse that was there during my csection. It was incredible. He is the talk of the hospital! My dr is going to do some research & see what we can do- we really think we’ve broken a record!” – Facebook@Cary Patonai.

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Not many believed the doctor’s prediction.

The doctors had prepared Cary to expect a large baby but as she told family and friends the news…they assured her it wasn’t possible. “They had estimated he would be 13lbs and 8oz. and everybody was like, ‘oh he’s not going to be that big..he’s going to be smaller the growth scans are always off,’ However, it seems the doctors were correct with Finnely weighing in at 14lbs. 1 oz.” – Cary told TODAY Born two weeks early, doctors informed the new parents that if he had been born on his actual due date, Finnley would have weighed in at around 16.5 lbs.

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Finnley’s big brothers better watch out.

The average newborn weighs in at half of Finnley’s size. The family’s other sons were big babies also, born weighing 8 and 11 pounds, but their baby brother has them beat. Cary told TODAY that her two older sons couldn’t believe how big their baby brother looked. “They couldn’t wait to get him on a scale.” – Cary told TODAY. Finnley might be the one bossing his big brothers around.

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Proud dad jokes about his future football star.

Tim Patonai sees some athletic potential for his son on the football field one day. “Get him in those pads!” Tim laughed. He and Cary were both amazed at their son’s size. However, no matter how big he is now or how big he becomes, you can see that this little guy will always be the much-loved baby of the family.

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And Finnley makes five.

For Tim and Cary Patonai, the birth of Finnley makes their family complete. He may be a little celebrity now but he will always be a shining star in their eyes for years to come.

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Now watch the adorable video of one family’s big surprise.

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Source: YouTube – Today, Facebook@Cary Patonai,, ABC 15 – Arizona
