Australian parking lot transforms into a place for the homeless to sleep at night

It all started as a simple idea and a lot of effort that made way for one man to help many homeless people.

Homelessness is so common that some people may think that it’s just normal to see people out in the streets.

Judgment would always be there. Some people would say that homeless people lack the drive to work or use drugs.

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However, it’s not always the case. Most of the people who are homeless just didn’t have a choice.

Who wants to be homeless?

Some people were victims of abuse; some of them lost their jobs. Others were victims of natural calamities, and even the brave people who fought for this country, our veterans who have suffered PTSD, have a hard time getting a job.

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Each day is a challenge, and at night, all they can do is curl up and try to sleep.

It’s a pretty dangerous world out there. Not to mention the hardship of sleeping in the cold and rainy nights.

Beddown, an Australian charity founded by Norman McGillivray, aims to help these people.

One night, Norman was passing by an empty parking lot.

He had a brilliant idea. He noticed how big, secure, and empty it was. Then there are all the homeless people out there. This space, he thought, could be the perfect shelter for the homeless at night.

It makes perfect sense, right?

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No one uses the parking space at night. It was huge! All he has to do is talk to the management and convert it into an evening shelter for the homeless.

The people from Beddown talked to the management of Secure Parking – one of the biggest car park operators in their area. They secured all the needed clearance and papers for the project.

After that, a group of kind-hearted volunteers started transforming the empty parking lot into a haven for the people who have no place to sleep at night.

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Luckily, they agreed and wanted to help. They started a two-week trial of this program in Brisbane.

During the two-week trial, Beddown provided the parking lot with everything that the people needed.

They placed beds, blankets, new clothes, shoes, toiletries. They even offered doctors, nurses, dentists, hairdressers, and a place to take a warm bath.

They even put a bar of chocolate in the bed with a sweet note.

How awesome is that?

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“We will look to get as close as we can to a proper comfortable bed to provide the homeless with a great night’s sleep is our ultimate goal,” Beddown posted.

During these trying times, the only people we could depend on would be each other.

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A little compassion and effort can do so much, not just for our homeless friends but also for the whole world.

One small act of kindness can already do so much.

For the homeless, a good night’s sleep is already a wonderful gift. It’s a way for them to feel better, and that can give them the boost they need to get up and keep working for a better life.

Don’t forget to follow Beddown here, and if you want, you can volunteer or donate to their cause.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Beddown Org, normmcgillivray, beddowntonight
