Adorable parrot develops the most unlikely bond with two German Shepherd pals

Dogs and birds don’t always get along with each other. The two species just don’t seem designed to be friends.

One macaw parrot and a pair of German shepherds are the exception to this, however.

They have sparked up an adorable friendship.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Meet Rio, Zoro, and Raven.

These are 3 of the most unique best friends you’ll ever meet. Their special friendship has gone viral online as people just can’t get enough of them.

The parrot is named Rio. He’s hard to miss with his colorful feathers and big wings. He loves to be the center of attention, which he often is thanks to his internet fame.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Rio grows up with a pair of German shepherds.

Zoro and Raven are two big German shepherds who treat Rio just like a sibling. Like many siblings, however, they sometimes pester each other for fun.

Zoro and Raven’s 3 favorite things to do are sleep, play, and annoy their bird friend. This is always done in a playful way, however, and it’s clear the 3 are the best of friends.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Macaw and dogs get along wonderfully.

The 3 animals have been close their whole lives after growing up in the same home together. They are family, they are friends, and they have each other’s back.

Still, their human family exercises some caution. When the 3 are together, they are always supervised.

They don’t want Rio pecking away at the dogs and they don’t want the dogs being too aggressive with the bird. They do frolic a little bit but it is always done in a playful way.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Rio, Zoro, and Raven go viral.

The 3 friends have their own social media accounts. Their Instagram page has over 12 thousand followers. The page features mainly Zoro and Raven but there are several appearances by Rio as well.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

A YouTube video featuring the 3 friends has been viewed almost 60,000 times as of this writing. Many of the viewers felt compelled to leave a comment as well.

“Isn’t this the cutest thing you have ever seen?!?!?” One viewer wrote.

“Wow, such beautiful animals!” Another viewer wrote.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Another viewer related a story of a German shepherd and bird friendship from their childhood.

“Aww love this…I love birds and German Shepherds are the best. When I was a child we used to have a mynah bird and a German Shepherd and the bird would fly and land on the dog’s head. The bird was very bossy but the dog never once tried to hurt it.”

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Introducing bird and dog friends is not an easy process.

If you plan on introducing your dog and bird to each other, it’s important that you do so cautiously. They will each need to be trained and supervised during their interactions.

Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven Source: Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven

Your first step is to introduce them to each other slowly. Your dog might see the bird as prey and your bird might see the dog as a threat and react.

Start by introducing them slowly, just a few minutes at a time for a week or two.

Pick a neutral area that neither animal considers to be their territory. This will reduce any aggressive behavior. Then reward both animals for behaving well with each other after.

Learn more about Rio, Zoro, and Raven’s friendship in the below video!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Insider/Instagram -gsds_zoro_raven
