Black couple adopt a white baby – then people accuse them of kidnapping

After numerous miscarriages, Keia Jones-Balwin and Richardo Baldwin turned to adoption. Their adoptive son is white, which is too much for some to handle.

Keia and Richardo have been together for 14 years and married for nine of them.

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Shortly after they married, they decided to try for a child. Keia already had a biological daughter. But both were keen to have more children.

Sadly, Keia would have several miscarriages. So the couple sought out a fertility specialist. The couple underwent IVF and several other treatments, without success.

So the couple turned to adoption. Through an adoption agency, they found Karleigh. They met her when she was 11. Keia’s daughter already knew her from school.

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When Keia and Richardo were introduced to Karleigh, their hearts went out to her. That Keia’s daughter already knew Karleigh was great. It helped Karleigh adjust to a new family.

Soon, Karleigh was officially Keia and Richardo’s daughter. But Keia and Richardo still wanted more children. So they signed up as foster parents. They made no stipulations on race, age or gender. They just wanted to help any child that they could.

The couple fostered and then adopted a boy, Ayden.

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Ayden and Karleigh are both mixed race. When the public saw them all out together, they would get a range of smiles and friendly comments. But with the parents’ next adoption, they would have a very different experience.

One day, Keia got a call from the foster agency. A newborn baby needed a home. So the parents went to the hospital and saw a tiny two-pound baby boy. Unlike any child the parents had fostered or adopted before, this baby was white.

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But Keia’s maternal instincts kicked in right away.

The baby, Princeton, went to Keia and Richardo’s home as soon as he was strong enough to leave the hospital. Everyone in the family fell in love with him, even if he did cry a lot!

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It was clear that Princeton fit right in with the family. Unfortunately, others would disagree.

When the parents took Princeton out with them, they noticed that suddenly, the public reacted very differently.

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For instance, one time, when Keia was in the supermarket, an old man walked up to Princeton, who was sat in the shopping cart seat, and started taking photos and recording him. When Keia asked the man what he was doing, the man said that he was taking the photos to the supermarket’s security so they could save the baby. He had assumed that Keia had kidnapped Princeton.

In fact, Keia and Richardo have had the police called on them several times just for being out in public with Princeton.

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People assume that as the baby is a different race to the parents, then the parents must have stolen the baby.

Other times, people have referred to Keia as Princeton’s babysitter.

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Keia’s other children have been asked if Princeton is really their brother. Some have even asked the parents why they didn’t let Princeton, “stay with his kind.”

Just like anyone else, Keia and Richardo want to be good parents to their children.

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They have been successful in doing this. Thanks to them, their children are thriving. Sadly, due to Princeton having a different skin color to the parents, people are convinced that these incredible, selfless people are in fact criminals.

Hopefully, as Princeton grows, these incidents will become less commonplace.

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Source: Love What Matters, Raising Cultures
