People laugh at ‘awful’ ice skater until he hops up and proves everyone wrong

Do you remember the first time you tried ice skating?

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

It may look easy when skaters glide on the ice gracefully and effortlessly, but it is actually the opposite of that.

Moving from one place to another on top of slippery ice while standing only on two thin blades is not easy at all!

You may be reminded of how you fell on the ice multiple times before finally getting the hang of ice skating.

It is surely not easy, especially for the uncoordinated. Balancing is key, and not everyone is good at it.

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

Although we fall on the ice while trying to skate, it is still funny, right?

This might just be the reason that the group Improv Everywhere decided to do a prank on people ice skating at a mid-town ice rink in New York City.

Improv Everywhere is a theater group from Manhattan that became famous because of their “No Pants” subway ride.

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

Once again, the group is pranking New Yorkers and this time, they did it as people were going out of the rink to make way for the ice-cleaning machine.

The “stage” is all set, and the group finally takes center stage.

The ice-cleaning machine is set to clean the rink so everyone started moving off of the ice.

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

Apparently, not everyone knew how to move along because one man wearing a bright red sweater was still in the middle of the rink.

He looked like he was not an expert in skating yet.

He carefully moves and balances himself on the skates, but bam! He just can’t stay upright.

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

People on the side of the rink started to notice the man left alone in the middle of the rink.

Some are curious while some find it entertaining.

They might just be witnessing the worst skater ever!

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

The ice cleaner has started to help the poor man out.

He guided the man in the sweater on how to get to the exit using his microphone.

People are now getting even more curious.

Can this man really reach the exit without tumbling down?

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

His knees are getting wobbly, and his face is full of panic.

He is definitely having such a hard time!

But, people are just watching on, giggling, wondering if they are seeing something real or maybe just a prank.

It has been a few moments and the man still cannot move along and then…he fell on his back!

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

It was as if everyone was watching a comedy show.

The man swiftly stood up and what happened next caught the crowd by surprise.

What used to be the worst skater is now gliding elegantly on the ice! What’s happening here?

As it turned out, the man on the ice is not the worst skater at all.

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

His name is Kenny Moir, a professional with the Ice Theater of New York.

He is no amateur and he gave the crowd a beautiful show of his skills.

Everyone in that park was definitely entertained.

Improv Everywhere posted the video on their YouTube channel where it gained over 4.3 million views online.

YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere Source: YouTube Screenshot - Improv Everywhere

Witness this incredible performance from these renowned pranksters by watching the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Week, Improv Everywhere
