People around the world are now twisting their bacon thanks to this game-changing cooking hack

If you haven’t messed around on TikTok, you might be missing out on some of the best life and kitchen hacks around!

It seems like every day there is a new viral trend that will shave time off things that are already annoying or laborious.

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska Source: Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

While there are some awesome hacks, not all of them are real.

Pexels - One Shot Source: Pexels - One Shot

Like anything on social media, just because it’s on there doesn’t mean it’s real or true! Many of the hacks are unrealistic or just a flat-out lie. With so many hacks showing up, however, some of them have to be real, right? We think we found one of the best.

This bacon hack is honestly pretty amazing.

Pixabay - jhusemannde Source: Pixabay - jhusemannde

Waking up and getting some bacon frying is one of the great American staples. We all have our own ways of making it, but is your way the best? By now, you’ve probably heard of the oven method (as opposed to the frying pan), but there is a method that gives the best crunch around!

Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch Source: Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch

The hack is perfect for anyone who is on Keto OR just loves bacon.

We aren’t here to debate whether or not eating bacon is healthy, we just want to make it as yummy as we can! This new TikTok hack isn’t just useful, it’s also super easy to make bacon something exciting again.

All you do is twist it!

Yes, exactly like that old “Bop-it” game – twist it! Take a piece of it and start twisting it like a piece of dough. The goal is to keep it in a straight line, just twisted around itself like a twizzler.

After twisting as many as you need (or want), it’s time to cook.

Simply place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet side by side. You can get a lot more on the sheet than you normally would since they take up less surface area! You can also put more than you think because they will shrink as they cook.

Put them in the oven at 350-degrees for around 20 minutes.

Once you have them in for a solid 20 minutes, take them out and give them a flip. Once flipped, back in the oven they go for the same amount of time. It may be tough because it will smell so good you will want to cave and eat them WAY too early.

Once they are done, they make perfect little finger foods!

They have the ideal crunch and come in the cutest little form factor! You can stick them in a plastic baggy for quick snacking later or you can get creative and use them for limitless food crafts and ideas.

If you want to get extra spicy, add cayenne!

A super-easy way to convert these bacon sticks into more than just cooked bacon is to add some cayenne before you cook! It will add a bit of spice and heat your mouth up in a perfectly pleasant way. Beware, however, all that fat and heat could complicate things later.

Check out the video below for the recipe/guide!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Family Cooking – YouTube, Taste of Home, Houseofketo
