Photographer captures frozen waves on lake that look like glass dunes

The world really is a magical place, but sometimes we’re all so caught up in our own little lives that we forget that fact.

We forget to stop, stare, and admire the natural world around us, enjoying the beauty of a landscape or the marvel of a bird in flight.

But every now and then, something comes along to give us a little jolt and remind us how amazing our Earth truly is!

Here, for example, we can see some absolutely amazing images of a frozen lake in Colorado, captured by nature photographer Eric Gross, showing how the ice has actually solidified into the form of waves.

Eric Gross Source: Eric Gross

Eric travels all over North America, and sometimes even further, in search of beautiful natural landscapes. He looks for the ‘unseen gems’ of the world around us, taking magical and mystical shots of lakes, forests, and mountains.

Living what he calls a ‘semi-nomadic lifestyle’, Eric spends many months out on the road, meeting plenty of folks along the way in his search for some of the prettiest and most picturesque scenes the world has to offer.

And anyone who has ever visited Colorado will know that it’s a prime place for witnessing and enjoying authentic, natural beauty.

Eric Gross Source: Eric Gross

Home to the Rocky Mountains and endless swathes of gorgeous natural landscapes, the Centennial State is a haven for landscape photographers like Eric, and we can’t imagine the feelings he must have experienced upon coming across this magical lake, tucked among the snow-topped Rockies.

Walking along the shore, Eric saw that the water had actually frozen into the form of waves, forming a stunning curved surface, quite unlike the usual flat top of most frozen lakes and ponds.

In an interview with My Modern Met, he revealed that he actually had to lie right down on the ice itself to take the best possible shots of such a stunning scene.

Unplanned and unprepared, the only way I could shoot at truly ground level was to lie on the wavy ice and use any soft materials available (gloves, hat) to support and solidify the camera for multiple shots with varying focal planes that enable focus stacking to create an image with sharp focus from six inches away to infinity.

Eric Gross Source: Eric Gross

He captured the magical marvel in these wonderful images, showing how the waves were frozen in place, creating a scene that looks almost otherworldly.

The curved ice almost looks like glass, so smooth and reflective, dotted with little lines of light and reflections from the towering mountains all around.

It was such a beautiful scene that Eric decided to go back time and time again in order to take more photos and see how the icy waves slowly changed as the weather became a little warmer and the ice began to slowly melt.

Eric Gross Source: Eric Gross

These images are absolutely extraordinary, and seeing the real thing must have been even more amazing for Eric and anyone else lucky enough to pass that way.

The photographer deserves a lot of credit for his work, and these photos show that Mother Nature can always surprise us with the most beautiful sights, often when we least expect them. Check out Eric’s Instagram for more amazing photos and visit his website to learn more!

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Source: Eric Gross
