Photographer kayaked to deserted island for picnic and finds starving abandoned puppy

Sadly, there are far too many stories about abused and neglected dogs. We’ve all seen them. Sometimes, animals have horrific skin conditions or they’re covered with ticks and fleas. Then, there are dogs so emaciated that every bone sticks out. It’s all very disturbing to think a human being can be so cruel to something so innocent.

But the worst cases involve people who just dump dogs off to fend for themselves. Rescuers have found animals in all kinds of places…from dirt roads in the middle of nowhere to rundown farmhouses. One photographer came across a sweet puppy in the most unusual place – an abandoned island.

A work trip in Belize changed one dog’s life forever.

It should’ve been a normal day while on a work trip…instead, it turned into a heartwarming story that went viral. Wesley White, a professional photographer, headed to Thatch Caye in Belize. Although work was the primary reason for the visit, he made sure to get in a few adventures while there. One of those included kayaking, something White loves to do.

Explore Magazine Source: Explore Magazine

A perfect day for exploration.

White decided to kayak to an abandoned island. The weather was ideal and the water so clear he could see everything on the bottom. After pulling his kayak onto the shore, he began searching for a spot to have lunch. In a matter of minutes, he spotted something. It was then when he realized what he thought was an abandoned island was anything but.

Facebook/Wesley G. White Source: Facebook/Wesley G. White

He couldn’t believe his eyes.

With him on the island was an adorable puppy. While no one knows how he ended up there by himself, it appeared this poor thing was near death. As explained, this dog was so skinny that he could count every one of his ribs. Struggling to walk, White knew something needed to be done and quickly.

Facebook/Wesley G. White Source: Facebook/Wesley G. White

This sweet puppy made an immediate impression on White.

Here was this emaciated dog in a lot of pain. Yet somehow, he mustered up enough strength to wag his tail when approached. White said, “My heart exploded out of my chest. He was just waiting for a human to show up.” Had this photographer chosen to visit a different island, things would’ve ended very differently.

YouTube Screenshot/The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot/The Dodo

Getting this little guy help.

White knew there was no way he was going to leave the pup behind. Although he didn’t have a specific plan, the goal was to get the dog back to Belize where a veterinarian could care for him. So, he slowly and gently lifted the puppy up, placed him on the kayak, and together, they made their way back to Thatch Caye.

Facebook/Wesley G. White Source: Facebook/Wesley G. White

Now White faced a challenge.

The problem was that White was only going to be in Belize for two more days. After naming the puppy Winston, he went to work to find a safe home for him. Fortunately, the local Humane Society agreed to look after the dog. White stated that even with Winston covered with mites, dehydrated, and emaciated, overall, he was relatively healthy.

Facebook/Wesley G. White Source: Facebook/Wesley G. White

While Winston recovered, White couldn’t stop thinking about him during their two-month separation. So, he decided to adopt him. Arrangements were made for the two to reunite in Texas. Today, this sweet pup plays with White’s other two dogs. Looking at him now, you’d never know he was rescued from an abandoned island in Belize.

YouTube Screenshot/The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot/The Dodo

Watch the full video of the rescue below.

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Source: Animal Channel, YouTube
