20 photos proving that the customer isn’t always right

In a market-driven world, we are often fed the myth that the customer is always right. But the problem with this age-old thinking is that it totally discredits the fact that there are some people who are just downright nasty. We’re not just talking about middle-aged women who escalate their baseless complaints. No, we’re talking about those who disregard the welfare of others, make their own tipping rules, and use up every product like they’re samplers.

Buckle up and tuck in that cash register. You’re about to see 20 photos proving that customers are not always right.

1. Chickened out

Decided they didn’t want their bag of frozen chicken breasts so why not leave them here to drip over everything below it.
byu/JuliusTweezer intrashy

When this person decided that a cake is much better than frozen chicken, they left the meat on this shelf and just let it drip its icy contents on the cakes below. They had to pull out everything underneath the frozen good because of cross-contamination. We hope the person who did this got dropped the cakes they bought.

2. Skin to skin

Sitting on raw chicken while chatting with a Comcast rep at Walmart.
byu/RemarkableRyan intrashy

We know grocery runs can be a bit tiring and especially demanding to the hamstrings but that doesn’t give you the right to park your ham on someone else’s fried chicken. Just imagine the dotted chicken skin touching that sweaty butt skin.

3. Just choose one

She was blocking the handicapped space at the convenience store with her toddler’s stroller drinking Mountain Dew and crushing her cut-rate cigarettes out on the sidewalk and throwing them into the parking lot.
byu/djtx1234 intrashy

If you’re going to be ill-mannered, at least choose one. You’re blocking access to a handicapped space while exposing your toddler to secondhand smoke. Not to mention littering cigarette butts all over the place. You really want to tick off every box of the nasty list?

4. Take the cat, leave the bouquet

this woman who stole the shop cat from a local flower shop.
byu/criminalwines intrashy

Who in the right mind would march into a store and take a cat? How crappy do you have to be to take someone else’s pet? You even think the cat will like you with that attitude? Thankfully the cat was returned. According to the thief, she thought she was “saving a stray”. The cat has been with the shop for 17 years.

5. But it’s funny, though

Time to find better customers.
byu/Speedwizard106 intrashy

This place must’ve seen one too many unsolicited pole dances that they had to put up this hilarious sign. If you can’t even follow a signboard, then there’s a good chance you already disappointed your father.

6. Getting rid of the evidence

When you steal a bra from the store, but replace it with your old one.
by intrashy

This is just different levels of nasty. Besides being a criminal for petty theft, they even left the bra they sweated on just to make a clean getaway. Unfortunately, some commenters pointed that that this isn’t uncommon in lingerie stores.

7. Those two don’t go together

What my coworker was given tonight
byu/_ellesdee intrashy

Not leaving a tip can be a bummer depending on which country you’re from. But to follow it up with a disgusting comment? That’s just downright low. Pro tip: “God bless” doesn’t go with a line that says “I’ve been sexualizing you”.

8. We love free samples

A customer tried it on their dog and put it back on the shelf.
byu/NotAnotherGummyBear intrashy

Look, we don’t care how much shampoo or soap your dog uses but you don’t use shelf products as samplers especially when you’re not going to buy them. Is it really that hard to ask, “Is there a sample of this that we can try?”

9. Hot and loaded

Customer leaves dirty diaper on restaurant table for waitress to clean
by intrashy

If there’s a used diaper among the food scraps, it begs the question: “Where did they change the baby’s diapers?” because the only place they could do that is on the dinner table. Some people are just downright appalling.

10. The Wild West

A wall of notoriety at my favorite gas station, there’s about 35 of these covering the front of the store.
byu/cheddarbobbin intrashy

Just like those poor proprietors in the middle of a revolver gun fight, we feel bad for the staff of this store. Their window has security camera screenshots like it’s some bounty hunter bulletin board. And yes, there are 35 of these “WANTED” posters covering the front.

11. For the ‘gram

Please stop being a thot in the gas station ice machine
byu/taltesar intrashy

Imagine being so obsessed with attention that you had to contaminate a store’s products. What would she tell the owner? That she could pay with “exposure”? Your shoes look like hotel slippers for crying out loud!

12. Share the space, will you please?

Walmart shoppers using handicapped spaces as a cart drop-off
byu/JuryGorilla4454 intrashy

If you want to see how “inconsiderate” looks like, here you are. Accessibility has always been a challenge for the handicapped. So making life a bit harder for them just because of sheer laziness speaks volumes of how these customers are as human beings.

13. “Make yourself at home!”

Just chillin at the coffee shop.
byu/geekaz01d intrashy

This picture would give anyone the heebie-jeebies. No one would ever walk into a coffee shop again without thinking if the surface they’re putting their coffee on got kissed by a pair of cheese-smelling stank feet. Is he like this at home?

14. Lock it up

People Testing Spray Paint At Ollies….
byu/Madsuperninja intrashy

Unfortunately, this behavior is so common in these stores that the only choices are to lock the cans up to force customers to ask for assistance or stop selling spray paint entirely. We wouldn’t be surprised if some of these “testing” folks didn’t even buy a can.

15. Tips don’t work that way

Twitter - @mariobello22 Source: Twitter - @mariobello22

Funny how this guy just decided to give himself a discount. We’re pretty curious how they came up with $2.84 as well. Was there some kind of computation or just rounding down to the nearest “ten”?

16. They must think they’re so cool

This is how a table left the tip for one of my servers.
byu/LightsSoundAction infunny

If you’re going to leave a tip, leave it properly. Servers and wait staff are not there to be insulted and demeaned. While the original poster clarified that it was the server’s friends who did this. If it was an inside joke or not, it’s still not as cool as they thought it was.

17. There should be some kind of law here

This… person, willing to strip down in the middle of store instead of a change room.
by intrashy

As they say, you give less about what people think about you when you get old but spare the others from this stunt! Remember, people, ask for a new stock or if you end up with the shelf display, make sure to wash it real good.

18. So why are you out drinking?

Happened to a co-worker today. If you can’t afford diapers why are you out drinking?
byu/DoomsDaisyXO inchildfree

This woman seemed to be so appalled with the culture of tipping that she had to pull out the #singlemomlife card. If you have diapers to buy, why are you even out drinking? And what if the server she refused to tip was a single mom too?

19. That’s why we can’t have nice things

Local pet supply store gets real.
byu/s1s2g3a4 inWellthatsucks

Apparently, this isn’t the first pet supply store that had to restrict customers like this. Some parents take an entire birthday party, march into the place unannounced, and pet any animal they could get their hands on. It’s a “pet shop”! Like a shop for your pet’s needs! Not a “petting” shop!

20. Secret stash

I never walk out if this store without a story.
byu/vacationbeard intrashy

Trust us, “body wallet” is not as sexy as it sounds. Some cashiers even have sanitizers at the ready when people hand them sweaty bills. Ironically, this can be a bit common in “healthy” communities where surfers, joggers, and cyclers pull bills out from various crevices of their bodies.

So before you wonder why customer service people aren’t as enthusiastic about giving everyone the best experience, remember that there are people who march into stores with the sole purpose of making everyone’s lives miserable. If you’re surprised about the behavior of these nasty people, you’d be “glad” to know that there’s more of them out there. So be nice to the staff and always be decent. You’ll never know what they had to go through before or after you.

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Source: Reddit, Twitter
