10+ photos of ducks that look like 18th-century wig-wearing aristocrats

Social media is powerful that it can take us to places that we’ve never been before, it also makes us discover things that we can’t easily see outside our house. In just a few clicks, you can see bizarre yet wondrous things that will certainly make your day.

Have you heard of ducks that have been making rounds on social media?

Well, ducks don’t usually go viral online compared to other animals but this duck breed has an unusual characteristic. It has an adorable tuft of feathers on the animal’s head which makes it looks like an 18th-century wig-wearing Aristocrat.


This adorable breed of ducks has been gaining attention on social media because of their cuteness.

Here are 12 cute duck photos that we spotted online – sit back, relax, and get ready to be delighted:

1. Looking so classy

JerryP, Bored Panda Source: JerryP, Bored Panda

This duck effortlessly looks classy. Look at the feathers on its head – divine!


2. Is that a crown?

publicdomainpictures Source: publicdomainpictures

Most of the ducks in this breed have bushy tufts of feathers on their heads but this one has littler and finer. That makes it cuter, though. If you will look at it closely, its like a white little crown. So adorbs!

3. Posing like a model


These waterfowl are surely clueless about how cute they look. Amazingly, this one poses like a model. It looks like it’s flexing its thick and beautiful hair. Imagine if this one is donning real hair, this photo could probably pass off as shampoo print ad.

4. Having nice time in veterinary clinic

Instagram/magaliecouturier Source: Instagram/magaliecouturier

This cute duck right here looks homey as it is in the veterinary clinic. Its veterinarian namely Magalie Couturier proudly shared its cute photos on Instagram. Undeniably, it looks like an 18th-century wig-wearing aristocrat – and it is so darling.

5. The wanderer duck

Instagram/handi_quacked Source: Instagram/handi_quacked

We usually see ducks in rivers, ponds, and lakes but this one can be found riding a motorcycle! How cool is that?! It looks like it’s enjoying the view. And oh, with the feathers on its head, it looks like a modern wig-wearing aristocrat.

6. Adorable duck on its wheels

Instagram/handi_quacked Source: Instagram/handi_quacked

According to the uploader of this photo, this cute duck with thick feathers on its head is disabled. That’s the reason why it is in its wheelchair – but that doesn’t make him less adorable.

7. Having some nice chat

Instagram/duckbroswithfros Source: Instagram/duckbroswithfros

These two both have those delightful tufts of feathers on their heads but their closeness is more noticeable in their photo – and I’m loving it!

8. The thickest of them all

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

I think the bushy feather on top of its head is this munchkin’s best asset. It can’t be denied that it has the thickest feathers among these twelve wonderful ducks. That’s right, honey! Flaunt it!


9. Squad goals

purelypoultry Source: purelypoultry

Aww, this photo just reminded me of my best friends. We love matching clothes but in this case, these ducks have matching feathers on their heads!

10. Cotton balls or clouds?

Facebook Source: Facebook

The crowning glory of these ducks can be compared to any cute things. The feathers on their heads look like wigs, cotton balls, clouds, and the list goes on.


11. Sunbathing?

Instagram Source: Instagram

Ready for summer, aren’t you? Well, it looks like this cute duck loves the sun. According to Purely Poultry Blog, ducks don’t just love the water but the sun too – and that’s probably the reason why this cutie doesn’t mind staying under the scorching heat of the sun.

“They like to sun themselves on a sunny hillside in your yard, and they love it when you refill their wading pool.”

12. Sexy back

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Crested ducklings are all wonderful but this one just stands out. Seeing the back part of its head just confirms that the powder puff of feathers on all of these ducks’ heads are immensely beautiful!

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Source: Bored Panda, Purely Poultry Blog
