15 sweet photos that show just how much we love our pets

If you have a pet – whether it’s a cat, dog, bird, reptile – or something more unique – you know the unconditional love they give us is almost too much to bear. So are the 3 am feeding requests.
But at the end of the day, most of us would give up a lot for our non-human companions. We spend money on them, we sit in uncomfortable positions for hours because they look so peaceful and comfortable – we’ll even pick them up and carry them around at their request.
Pet owners also know you have to have patience and a good sense of humor to live with an animal. You also need some extra bed space, a generous definition of personal space, and a lot of trust when you let them around small humans or nice things like weddings.
Here are 12 photos that show just how much we love our pets and consider them part of our families.
1. We make sacrifices for them
Oh, did you have a favorite chair? Well, we sure hope it’s not your pet’s favorite too because we all know who’s winning that battle.
Guess you shouldn’t have left that nice warm spot when you got up.

2. We let them be big babies
Scared dog? We will pick that pup up and snuggle him until he or she is A-OK.

3. We let them use us as a pillow and space heater
How sweet is this?
Even if the cat is just there for the warmth, she sure looks like she loves being around her human. And her human looks like she’s enjoying the cuddle too (although maybe not the neckache that follows).

4. We let them guard our most precious things
It can be nerve-wracking to have animals and babies in the same house.
But these friendships start early on and we’re all willing to protect those in our pack.

5. We always make sure they’re comfortable
Well, that sure looks comfortable – for the cat.
The human, on the other hand, is not stuck in this position. Because how could you disturb that sweet sleeper?

6. We take time to really bond with them
This Redditor has had his bird since high school and she turned 18 this year. Her name is Gerbie and he explained: “she’s my everything.”
The kind of peace and serenity we feel when showing our pets how much we love them is hard to replicate.

7. They teach us the meaning of friendship
If you can have pets in the house with your little ones, they’re bound to learn a series of valuable lessons about love and friendship. And patience. And personal space.
But they’re all good lessons in the end.

8. They help us unwind
These two are watching rugby together and – let’s face it – he’s pretty much got to watch the end of the game, if just for the cat’s sake.
There’s nothing like a TV buddy to help you relax and zone out when you need a break.

9. We let them explore – even when it’s inconvenient
To be fair, have you ever tried to STOP a cat from exploring? Ha!
Sometimes it’s easier to just let them balance on the toothbrush for a while and enjoy their sense of wonder.

10. We make sure they always fit in
All dogs are lapdogs if they believe in themselves enough. And this giant pup sure does.
How could you possibly reject this adorable dog? Apparently, no one ever told him he no longer fit up on the couch. So now he does!

11. They’re always willing to include the new kid
Unlike humans, pets are usually willing to let you hang out with them, even when they’ve already got something going on.
Have you ever felt left out by your pets before? We thought not.

12. They have team spirit
There’s always a paw around if you need a reminder that Team You has another loyal member.
No matter how many people are in your family or group of friends, the furry ones should get counted too.

13. We let them steal the spotlight
Let’s face it, the dog is making this wedding photo unique.
And sometimes you need a furry goofball to lighten up an emotional moment.

14. Adopting your first pet will change your life
This man posted a photo of his brother, who had just adopted his first dog. He said it was all the guy could talk about and we can see why – that unconditional love is strong and surprising when you first experience it.

15. We will make sure they can always participate
We all age and the sad truth is that pets won’t be with us for our whole lives. But after all the love and companionship they provide us, the least we can do is make their golden years as easy and enjoyable as possible.
So even when they can no longer run alongside us, we’ll simply pull them along instead.

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