Pitbull rescued from shelter so she can give birth in peaceful place

Being due to give birth always makes for some nervous times. Even more so if you’re expecting more than one. You’d need a safe place to give birth, and some moral support along the way.

And you can’t exactly do that from behind metal bars.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

This Pittie is Zia, and she was nearly due when she was rescued from the shelter.

Zia was carrying a whole litter in her womb while at the shelter. The would-be foster family decided early on this wouldn’t do. She needed a proper homely place to introduce her puppies into the world, and so they made it happen.

So a woman, Noelani, got Zia out of there and into a foster home.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

It wasn’t long after leaving the shelter that Zia went into labor. Noelani’s household knew it immediately. Zia was pacing around, moving the blankets around, and chewing some to pieces.

Oh, and her abdomen made it pretty obvious the puppies were on their way.

And so Zia gave birth in her foster home to 4 adorable puppies.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

When they were finally out, Zia took a much needed breather and let them suckle for a bit.

You can’t have puppies without names, so Noelani gave them all names that recalled their mother’s initial.

First up was Zorro, whom Noelani says is the most energetic and attention-seeking one. He is the “crazy” and “vocal one” according to the foster family.

The first of his sisters is Zoie, who also happens to be the smallest and most shy. The opposite of her brother, clearly.

Then there’s Zaina, the second sister who’s more adventurous. Looks like there’s some variety in personalities with this litter!

And finally, there is Zeus. The “big boy of the litter” as his fosters call him. All 4 of them were healthy, something I’m sure Zia is very happy about.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

When they were old enough to walk and go outside, Noelani took it on herself to let them get some sunshine and fresh air.

They needed to see what the big, wide world was like if they were going to be adopted by a new family some day.

Zorro, Zoei, Zaina, and Zeus all played outdoors to their heart’s content. They all experienced what it was like to get dirty, fall in puddles, and run in the grass.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

4 weeks later, the big day came. Noelani was to bring them to an adoption center to find them new homes.

That went very smoothly, in no small part thanks to how cute all 4 of them were.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

Zoei was adopted into the home of Mike and Monica, whose son seemed very excited to have a puppy in their family.

Her sister Zaina was adopted by a woman named Amanda, who was moved to tears when she saw the precious little Zaina. There was a sign just outside that read “Beware of Pitbulls, they will steal your heart”. I suppose she didn’t heed the warning.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

Mike and Monica were ecstatic to welcome Zoei into their home. As Mike put it “We just moved into a new home, and she’s the missing piece”.

As for their mom, Zia, she also found a forever home with a woman named Liz.

Liz lost her own dog very recently. Zia filled that very big hole in her heart at the right time – something dogs are always good at.

YouTube screenshot - The DODO Source: YouTube screenshot - The DODO

Zia and her puppies started out in a shelter, and ended up in the most loving homes by the end of it all. It’s the kind of feel-good story we live for.

Watch the story of this sweet Pittie’s journey below. Kindly give this article a share as well!

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Source: The DODO on YouTube
