Sweet Pittie named Boulder hasn’t left little human’s side in over 7 years

As a parent, nothing can be more beautiful than seeing your child grow up with a dog as his best friend.

Lucinda Stone is a mom who works as a Vet receptionist. She and her husband Ben have a 7-year old son named Harley and a beautiful Blue Staffy Pittie named Boulder.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

This is the story about a friendship between a little boy and his dog.

Harley and his Pittie are inseparable! They absolutely adore each other and that’s really beautiful.

“When Harley leaves for school every morning, he will take about 10 minutes to say goodbye to Boulder,” said Lucinda to The Dodo.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

For a child, as much fun as school is, it’s still a time that he’ll be away from his dog and they would miss each other.

“Throughout the whole day, Boulder will be sat at the top of the stairs waiting for Harley. The second he arrives, Harley will run up the stairs and they’ll give each other the biggest cuddles and kisses,” tells Harley’s mom.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

Can you just imagine the excitement on Boulder’s face when Harley comes back home?

As soon as this little boy comes home, their afternoon adventure starts!

Both these guys have so much energy to burn and they have so many things that they love doing together.

“They love to snuggle up on the sofa and watch a film, sharing popcorn together. Harley shares everything with Boulder.”

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

Most people who have seen their story are amazed by the bond that these two have.

Their love for each other started 7 years ago, when baby Harley was born.

“When Harley was born, Boulder would watch over Harley all the time. When Harley arrived, we introduced him very slowly,” recalls Lucinda.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

The sweet Pittie fell in love with him instantly! Since then, he has been loving, caring, and protecting his beloved Harley.

They’ve been together as best friends for 7 years now and these two besties have a hobby; dressing up!

“Most days, they would be dressing up, as all different characters. Boulder loves the dress-ups. He gets very excited when Harley dresses him up,” said Lucinda to The Dodo.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

Boulder will always have a huge smile on his face!

Though, there is one thing that Lucinda wanted to share along with this beautiful story. According to her, other people are too quick to judge Boulder simply because he’s a Pittie.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

“We get it all the time with people crossing the roads, walking in the opposite direction. I’ve even had someone pick up their dog before when me and Harley and Boulder have walked past. And it does really upset us, because it’s as if they think he’s a monster, when he’s far from that,” said Lucinda.

It was heartbreaking for her and Harley to see such actions towards their softie Boulder.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

If these people only knew how kind, gentle, and sweet Boulder is.

“He’s like a big baby, a big softie. He just wants love and affection all the time. He wouldn’t hurt a fly,” she recalls.

Indeed, Boulder and Harley share a very strong and beautiful bond. They hope that by sharing their story, people will be less afraid of Boulder.

bluestaffyboulder/Instagram Source: bluestaffyboulder/Instagram

“He’s been very gentle with me his whole life and that’s why he’s my bestest friend.” – Harley

Their friendship will only become stronger as they grow older, and together they will create more beautiful memories.

If you love the story of Harley and Boulder, feel free to follow them on their Instagram account that already has 73.1K followers!

Don’t forget to watch the story of their inspirational and amazing friendship in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Dodo YouTube, bluestaffyboulder, RoweVerGroup
