Pizza delivery man gives young people their order before leaving in tears

Food delivery drivers all across the U.S. have taken it upon themselves to deliver the food people need, regardless of the situation. So, when someone can give a little extra in the form of a tip, it can really make a driver’s day.
One group in particular really went above and beyond when it came to the tip for the pizza delivery driver delivering their food.
Asked to step inside

When an older delivery driver arrived at the door, named Bob, he was greeted by a woman.
She quickly invited Bob inside. Smiling, the two girls ask Bob to come inside, while their male friend films the whole thing.

Unbeknownst to Bob, before his arrival, the three strangers had placed some red plastic cups on the island in the kitchen. Underneath each cup, they placed dollar bills of various denominations. As bob walks in, they reveal a special surprise for him.
From confusion to excitement

“Bob, we want to pay you in a fun way. We just wanna’ make your day,” one of the girls informs Bob.
As he enters the kitchen, she shows him 12 cups. Telling him to pick six of the cups, she tells him he can keep whatever he finds under the cups he chooses. Excited, Bob reaches for the first cup.

As he picks the cup up, Bob finds a $20 bill. Success and he still has five more cups to go. Reaching for the next one, he finds $1. As he picks up the third cup, Bob talks about how over his 11 years working no one has ever done this for him.
A special prize

The man filming tells Bob that under one of the cups is a lot of money. Not knowing what to expect, Bob keeps choosing cups. And then he comes to the fifth cup under which he finds a $!00 bill. Beside himself, Bob asks if they are really allowing him to keep the money.
“All yours. We just wanted to make your day,” the woman informs him.
It all proves too much for Bob

As he takes the money, Bib begins to break down in tears. As they give him a final hug at the door, the ladies tell Bob to hold on for a minute, before running back to the kitchen, telling everyone to follow her.

Then, in front of Bob, she removes the money from under the remaining cups and hands it to Bob. In all, Bob receives another $82 in addition to the money he previously was given.
We can all make a difference

Bob quickly becomes emotional again as he thanks the three profusely. As he walks back to the front door, all three give him hugs. The video is a perfect example of how we can make a difference in someone’s life, especially during the trying times in which we live.
For more of Bob’s amazing day, check out the video below.
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Source: Metro, YouTube – World