Pizza shop hangs perfect sign after rude diner’s complaint about special needs worker

In movies, the good always prevails.

But what about in real life? Especially in this cruel world that we are living in today where there are people who would try their very best to look down on others.

However, if there is darkness, there is light. The type of light that comes from kindhearted people who unhesitatingly do everything to spread goodness no matter what.

That’s exactly what you will get from this pizza parlor.

It started with a rude customer.

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Amanda Cartagine, the owner of a Greenville Pizza Inn is not your typical boss.

Her employees are like her “kids.”

As any mama bear can tell you- don’t mess with their cubs.

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That’s why when a rude customer came into her restaurant and threw attitude at one of her “kids”, she was there to protect him.

According to her, a customer asked one of the employees to refill the salad bowl.

As it turned out, that employee was Ryan Mosley, one of Pizza Inn’s workers with Down Syndrome.

Ryan Mosley is a wonderful employee.

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He’s not the salad overlord.

While he works there, refilling salad isn’t his duty. Ryan was specifically trained to perform other tasks.

The whole ordeal should have ended when the man was informed as to why Ryan didn’t refill the salad bowl. It didn’t.

The man still complained and said that the restaurant should “put up a sign” outside to make customers aware.

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Read that again.

He said they should “put up a sign.” Even though the rude customer didn’t literally say what he wanted to say, he said what he said.

And the entire crew, including the owner, knew what he really meant.

When Cartagine learned about what happened to one of her “children”, she got really angry.

So, she did exactly as he suggested.

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She hung a sign.

However, she didn’t want it to turn out as a retaliation, so she came up with the most kindhearted version of the message she could come up with.

The following day, they put up a sign by the pizza parlor’s door saying:

“We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and hire ALL of God’s children.”

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Just like what they say, if you are too kind to fight back, “kill” them with kindness.

According to Cartagine, 63% of her kitchen staff have special needs, and she’ll always tell them to reach for their full potential and not let anyone look down on them.

She told WYFF News 4:

“If you have the patience to let them take their time and learn at their pace, when the light bulb comes on, they are unstoppable.”

Ryan’s mother, Angie Mosley, was hurt and disappointed by the remarks made by the rude customer against her beloved son.

However, she was glad Cartagine was there to defend him.

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Ryan’s mom shared that her son loves having a job where he receives his hard-earned money.

He likes to earn his wages.

He decided to start saving because he planned on buying his own video games.

The truth is, only a few establishments give equal opportunities to people with special needs and it’s so heartbreaking to know that despite their already given situation, a lot of workplaces wouldn’t open their doors to them.

Being the mom of Ryan, it has always been a challenge for her and for all other parents who are experiencing the same to explain to people that her son is just as capable as anyone.

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And Ryan getting his job at Pizza Inn was one of their biggest victories.

Cartagine didn’t mind losing that rude customer and she’s okay with him not coming back – ever again.

“If he is not OK with that, then I’m OK with him not coming back. That’s a dollar that I don’t need,” she said.

Learn more about this story in the video below!

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Source: WYFF 4, YouTube – WYFF News 4
