Pizza shop stirs community with note they write to homeless man digging through their dumpster

In Fargo, North Dakota, the Little Caesar’s franchise has given more than 140,000 free pizza slices to local hungry and homeless people.

How did it all begin? Read the full story and get inspired on how to end hunger in America.

Did you know that more than 35 million people in the United States have experienced hunger since 2019? Moreover, as stated by, millions of children face hunger and food insecurity every day. Little Caesar’s selfless act has fed so many people – and we know you’re hungry to hear more detail.

According to a local news report, it all began when staff noticed several people going through the pizza shop’s trash.

YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live Source: YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live

Sadly, dozens of people from the neighborhood were forced to eat leftover pizza out of their dumpsters.

The pizza shop is located in Fargo on the 19th Ave North, and employees noticed what was going on.

Instead of ignoring the whole thing, kind workers from Little Caesar’s decided to help hungry people in their area.

YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live Source: YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live

Jenny Stevens, the owner of a small franchise of the popular pizza chain, says that “there’s no need for anyone to feel embarrassed when it comes to feeding their family.”

After some thinking, Stevens came up with an exciting solution to the problem.

Employees decided to put a note on the shop’s window. The note is big, and the message written in big, bold letters is genuinely heartwarming.

YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live Source: YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live

It says:

“You’re a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a couple of slices of hot pizza and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked.”

Unsplash - Nicolás Perondi Source: Unsplash - Nicolás Perondi

Michelle Lusier, Little Caesar’s general manager, commented that too many people are already forced to stand on the corner for a handout.

We agree. The fact that so many people have to beg for food is depressing. What Little Caesar’s did is one step in the right direction. The video was shared on Valley News Live YouTube channel, and it got numerous comments of praise and approval.

YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live Source: YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live

“We want more of this at all restaurants,” said one user. Wouldn’t it be nice if this became a standard practice?

Little Caesar’s kind act quickly went viral.

North Dakota residents were amazed by Little Caesar’s project, and retweets started to appear everywhere. Little Caesar’s indeed found a way to melt hearts because everyone commented just how fabulous their idea is. What an outstanding example of empathy?!

Bill Bullard said, “The highest form of knowledge is empathy.”

Little Caesars showed us that there are many ways to take action to end hunger. If you wonder how to contribute as an individual, keep in mind that there are numerous networks of charities and food banks. You can also volunteer, start a fundraiser or make a donation.

YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live Source: YouTube Screenshot - Valley News Live

Do you remember the 2016 Pay It Forward movement?

It is better known as Suspended Coffees, and the idea is that people can pay for a coffee in advance. Café Sospeso is a tradition that comes from Italy, and a plumber from Ireland revived it in 2013. How does it work?

Unsplash - Jeremy Yap Source: Unsplash - Jeremy Yap

Customers buy coffee for themselves, but they also pay for an extra cup of coffee to be given to somebody else. Waiters then give the paid-for coffee to people who otherwise couldn’t afford it. Next time you enter a coffee shop, consider using some change to buy a warm meal for somebody else.

Remember: “Giving is not about making a donation. It’s about making a difference!”

Watch the video below!

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Source: YouTube/Valley News Live; Snopes; Today; PopSugar; FeedingAmerica
