Polar bear cub’s adorable reaction to baby seal steals the hearts of nine million people online


The natural world is shaped and filled with a stunning variety of wildlife.

As it goes, some of the most beautiful creatures are also among the deadliest. From birth, babies are trained to become predators, their mothers outfitting them with the necessary tools for survival. Equipped with the know-how, baby animals are born into the wild world ready to face it instantly.


Of all the places on earth, no habitat comes quite as fierce as the cold, frozen tundra.

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Home to creatures great and small, there are yet a few who reign supreme over the ice-packed lands. And while polar bears are undeniably fluffy and adorable, they are also the largest land carnivore in the world. Behind those balls of fur are also a rather large set of teeth and claws.

Surviving life in the Arctic has given polar bears a unique go at the food-chain.

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Their feast of choice? Seals, of course! Using the large glaciers as platforms for hunting, the bears patiently wait for the seals to breach the water for oxygen. Mothers teach their cubs the art of waiting, as seals only come up every thirty minutes.

It’s in these valuable lessons, passed down from mother to child, that real memories are made.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

Check out this brilliant wildlife video captured by the BBC, for example.

YouTube/BBC Source: YouTube/BBC

The video features a mother polar bear teaching her cubs the art of survival by hunting for their meal. In this instance, a seal. But the only catching that happens in this clip is from the camera – who grabs a heartwarmingly adorable moment.


Since being uploaded to YouTube, the video titled “Polar bear cub is surprised by a seal” has racked up close to ten million views!

YouTube/BBC Source: YouTube/BBC

In the video, the mother bear waits patiently by an open ice-hole with her two cubs. She tries to show them the art of waiting, knowing that it could be a while before an opportunity presents itself. But while waiting for a seal to emerge, the cubs begin to get antsy.


In a sweet moment, one of the cubs cozies up to the side of her mother and begins to drift off into dreamland – perhaps not taking the lesson as seriously she should. Conversely, her brother, the male cub, is busy adrift making snowballs.

Uninterested in the prospect of dinner, the male cub plays in the snow, entertained by the wonderland surrounding him.

YouTube/BBC Source: YouTube/BBC

Finally, the stirrings of a seal commence. But instead of showing up at the anticipated hole, he comes to give the playful cub a surprise. No sooner does it pop its head coyly out of the ice. The male cub’s reaction? A priceless moment worth watching again and again.

As the seal emerges with a roar in its throat, the baby bear screeches, halts in its tracks, and falls over backward onto the ice.

YouTube/BBC Source: YouTube/BBC

It’s safe to say this boy was completely caught off guard! The seal peers back at him through curious eyes. Altogether, the BBC has seemingly captured one of the sweetest moments we’ve ever seen. And while the mother’s lesson may have not panned out this time, the results are far too lovely to picture any other outcome.

Check out this sublimely cute reaction for yourself in the video linked below!

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Sources: YouTube/BBC, Animal Channel
