Police department give adopted cat, Felony, her own special headquarters

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives you a cat, you make a new friend! That’s exactly what happened at the St. Louis Police Department when a certain kitty found its way to their division.

The North Patrol Division of the St. Louis Police Department recently brought a new member onto their team!

While you might initially think their announcement of a new team member was for a new officer or something like that, it actually didn’t involve any human officers! The new team member in question is actually a new cat with some very important jobs.
They decided to name her Felony, a perfect name for her job!

Felony has a list of jobs that she is required to perform each day. Her normal duties consist of locking up extra snacks (by whatever means necessary), napping, and arresting the officers with her cuteness. Felony started her job in September when she started frequenting the headquarters.
Felony wasn’t raised at the police department. In fact, she just started showing up one day!

The fuzzy feline appeared at the station one day in September and since then has won the hearts of the entire division.
“She was just really friendly,” Officer Thomas Halfhill told the St. Louis Post Dispatch. “And I will admit I have a soft spot for helpless animals.”
The officers weren’t exactly sure how she even got there, but they weren’t upset about it.
At first, Felony just started visiting the station.

It usually takes time for a cat to trust humans. For Felony, something must have clicked in her first visit to the station. She started returning each evening to hang out with the officers and get some attention! Soon, the visits became regular.
During Halhhills breaks, Felony would sit in his lap and he would pet her.

One officer thought it would be nice to get her a collar and gave it to Halfhill to put on her. Soon, another took her to get spayed and vaccinated! In a short time, this stray cat had finally found a home.
When the community heard what happened, they got in on the action too!

People from the neighborhood started sending in food, bowls, and flea medicine to help her stay healthy. The whole community fell in love with her story and rallied to make her a part of the family.
Of all the gifts, Officer Halfhill’s contribution really solidified her spot as the division’s pet.

Halfhill took the time to build Felony her very own police headquarters! He designed a mini police station that had a cat door and automatic heat lamp during the winter! Officer Jamie Pitterly then added the special touches of the division’s logo and pictures of a cat and handcuffs.
The caption on the house was special, too!

Not wanting anything bland, the officers wrote:
“Trespassers will be purr-secuted.”
With a home at the station, Felony was officially a part of the team! The best part, all jokes aside, is that Felony really does help the team out. With some of the hard things they need to do, Felony is a great emotional support animal that the team always has around.
Felony doesn’t seem to mind!

With so many people in and out of the station, she gets LOTS of attention.
“She’s been a great stress reliever,” he said. “I think she probably gets petted by at least a hundred people that are in and out of there every day.”
Check out the Facebook post below!
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Welcome to our new resident feline! "Felony" the cat now has a purr-manent home at North Patrol after being a frequent visitor. pic.twitter.com/pHea4JxGa5
— St. Louis, MO Police (@SLMPD) October 23, 2017
Source: Twitter, I Heart Cats