Handsome police officers dance off to The Git Up Challenge, video viewed over 500,000 times

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

People all across the world have been dancing to The Git Up by Blanco Brown. But these two police officers’ performance really stands out.

The Houston Police Department has a lot of busy officers. Houston is one of America’s largest cities, so policing it is a difficult and challenging job. But Houston police officers still know how to have fun and then some!

Mr_officer713/Instagram Source: Mr_officer713/Instagram

The two officers in this video are perfect examples of the fun-loving men behind the police badges in Houston.

John Williams and Jeremy Lahar have been through a lot together in their years in the police force. They’ve helped many, many people.

Mr_officer713/Instagram Source: Mr_officer713/Instagram

But as well as being good cops, they also share a passion for the same pastime: dancing!

Knowing that Williams and Lahar were keen dancers, some other officers told them to do The Git Up Challenge. The officers looked at some of the other performances online and decided that they could make their own mark on it.

So they spent a little time rehearsing and decided to record it for the world to see.

The officers stood in front of a sign saying “We <3 Houston” and got a friend to record them dancing.

Mr_officer713/Instagram Source: Mr_officer713/Instagram

The two started moving to the instructions and the beat in the song with amazing timing. They were both perfectly in sync. It must have come from all of those years serving alongside one another!

The cops also looked great as they danced. They both wore shades that made them look like genuine rock stars.

Mr_officer713/Instagram Source: Mr_officer713/Instagram

They also incorporated some props into their dance. Whenever the song said “take a sip,” the cops both swigged from bottles of water that they held.

Also at one point, Officer Williams made a gun gesture with his hand. This was fun but also a little redundant, as he literally had a gun inches away from his hand that was making the gun gesture. He’d probably have gotten in trouble with the department for playing around with the gun unprofessionally, though.

J. Lahar/YouTube Source: J. Lahar/YouTube

By the time the song had ended, the two officers had really done The Git Up Challenge justice. The cops then got back onto their shift.

Officer Lahar uploaded their performance onto YouTube. It soon went viral on the site, gaining over 500,000 views in no time. The video also has over 12,000 likes and 700 comments.

People have been saying things like this:

J. Lahar/YouTube Source: J. Lahar/YouTube

Clearly, if these guys ever move on from the police force, then they could easily pick up a second career as dancers. People love them that much!

Williams and Lahar really bust the stereotype of a cop being an overweight, lazy busybody. The next time you hear someone whining about how cops are always out of shape, show them this video. It’ll be sure to make them think differently about law enforcement!

Of all of the Git Up Challenges on YouTube, could this be the best one out there? There is lots of competition, but this video has two handsome cops who are really in sync with each other and the dance. It also has some great camera angles to keep things looking fun.

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Source: J. Lahar
