This tiny prairie dog and German shepherd share the sweetest bond

Prairie dogs aren’t actually dogs. They are rodents and they can be a bit difficult to take care of, particularly if you don’t know anything about them.
When Taylor Williams and her husband picked a prairie dog as a pet, they thought things were going to be easy.

The couple named him Prince. They chose that name because the singer passed away on the day they got him.
As days went on, they figured that caring for Prince was different than what they expected.

He’s full of personality. He’s really intelligent, too.
Fortunately, the couple had help in raising Prince.

They got Banksy, their German Shepherd. Ever since they met each other, they’ve been inseparable.
The pair’s friendship is a bit weird.

After all, they’re two different animals. However, despite their differences, they were able to find comfort in each other.
Banksy is always affectionate with Prince. He’s always trying to groom him. Most of the time, he invites his friend to play.
And Prince never turns him down. In fact, he loves playing with his friend. They’re like siblings who are always annoying but loving each other.
They do things together.

They nap and snuggle together. Most of the time, they’re lying close next to each other.
Banksy is acting like Prince’s older brother.

Little brothers tend to be playful. They mess with their siblings as their way of showing their love. As an older brother, Banksy never lost his temper with Prince. He remains patient and calm even when the little animal would climb all over him as he sleeps.
The internet loves the pair.

In fact, they have they’re on Instagram. They have more than 2,000 followers and the numbers continue to rise. Their followers find them extra adorable. They have lots of pictures there and most of them have positive comments.
The pair’s friendship is inspiring other people to get a prairie dog.
Although it might seem like a good idea, it’s not. Despite being called prairie dogs, they are actually rodents. They live close to small rivers, on flat grasslands, and sloping hills. They tend to burrow into different soils, looking and foraging for food.
With their unique needs, it can be challenging to keep them as pets.

They need a long-term commitment from people who know exactly what they need. Plus, prairie dogs need a lot of socialization. If that need isn’t met, they may turn a bit aggressive.
In taking care of prairie dogs, their humans need to provide a natural environment for them. They need a place where they burrow and forage for food. For diet, they primarily eat grasses and some roots. They may eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and pellets when in captivity.
Prince found the best humans for him.
Like most prairie dogs, he has unique needs. His humans are able to meet all of them. They even managed to get him a friend that behaves like his own brother.
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Source: YouTube – Beastly, Instagram-Prince The Prairie Dog, National Geographic,