Pregnant waitress shares name of unborn baby with customer not knowing it would change her life

Every now and then, coincidences happen; you meet the right person at the right place at the right time.

For one young woman going about her usual work day, she met someone who would change her life.

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Hannah Hill, a young woman pregnant with her second child, was working her usual shift at the Stockbridge Waffle House when she met an angel.

Hannah was waiting tables as usual when the Phelps family came in and sat in her section.

She welcomed the family, including Eusebio, a Bishop at the local New Faith Christian Church.

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After taking the family’s order and making sure they were well taken care of, Hannah and Eusebio began to talk a bit.

He asked Hannah about her pregnancy and if she had picked out a name for her child yet.

Hannah was honest with the man, she was not in a very good situation and was struggling.

She was currently living out of her car and was constantly stressed about finances and how she would manage to care for 2 young children, one of them being a newborn.

However, when Hannah told Eusebio that she was planning on naming her child Samuel, he knew he had been sent to her for a reason.

Eusebio and his wife had also had a son named Samuel but, unfortunately, he had passed away 7 years prior.

It was right around the anniversary of his passing that the two met, and Eusebio knew he needed to help the young woman.

After discussing it with his wife, Eusebio paid their bill and then handed Hannah the rest of the money in his wallet, around $40.

Hannah was very grateful to the man and she thanked him profusely for his generous tip.

That wasn’t the end for the Bishop though, he decided to do more to help ease the struggles of the woman he had just met.

Eusebio reached out to his church family and his followers on Facebook and set a goal to try and raise $1,000 for her.

Well, it turns out that Eusebio’s contacts were feeling extra generous towards Hannah and they ended up raising a lot more than that.

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska Source: Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

Hannah was sleeping in her car when she was contacted and told she had to get to the Waffle House immediately.

She rushed to the restaurant and was greeted by Eusebio and his family, as well as a table full of gifts and balloons.

Not knowing what to make of the situation, Hannah was shocked when Eusebio told her what he had done and handed her a check for $12,000.

Not only did he offer Hannah the money, but he also offered 1 year of free childcare for both of her children through his church’s daycare program.

When asked why he felt the need to do all this for a woman he had never met, Eusebio told FOX 5 Atlanta,

“She was just so kind and she was so pleasant. She was a sweetheart and that just touched my heart.”

Now that she no longer has such a strong financial burden to cope with, Hannah can really begin to enjoy her pregnancy and look forward to finally meeting Samuel, the child that brought these 2 wonderful people together.

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Find out more about this incredible act of kindness in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – 11Alive, Facebook – New Faith Christian Church, FOX 5 Atlanta
