Middle-aged principal walks up and joins dance team – then completely steals the show
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
The best principals are involved with as many aspects of their schools as possible. But this principal took involvement to a whole new level.
Thanks to shows like The Simpsons, most principals are stereotyped as being joyless, overly strict people. They look something like this:
But every school principal is unique. Sure, some may be like Principal Skinner in The Simpsons. But many others love to have a good time. The principal in this video really showed her fun-loving side!
Lake Mary High School has a fantastic step team. So the principal, Dr. Reynolds, decided to show her support for them in the best possible way.
She decided to join in with their routine.
When the team first heard Dr. Reynolds talk about joining in with them in front of the whole school, they thought that she was crazy. But then she started showing them some of her dance moves.
They agreed that the whole school would be wowed at this.
Dr. Reynolds practiced with the step team in secrecy. And the team members tried to keep quiet about what was going on. However, eventually, a rumor started spreading.
But even then, most kids didn’t believe that their principal would actually dance with the step team.
Flash forward to the day of the basketball game and dance, and the entire school was wondering if the principal would start dancing.
Dr. Reynolds herself was absent. The kids started to think that the rumor was nonsense after all.
At half time, the step team started dancing. The principal was still nowhere to be seen. That proved that the rumor was untrue, many kids thought.
But then, as the team members were rearranging themselves for a new routine, the principal walked onto the court. The kids all cheered.
She was dressed up just like the team. She was going to dance after all!
Dr. Reynolds took her place in the center of the team. With the other kids, she pressed her fists together and awaited for the music to start.
The team started moving in waves. First, the two sets of the team to the principal’s right moved. Anticipation was building in the room.
Then it was time for the principal and the other girls to start moving. Dr. Reynolds started moving precisely to the beat. No one looking on could believe it. A huge scream came from the crowd.
When the initial routine was over, the crowd screamed even louder. Many kids even got off their seats to show their appreciation. But Dr. Reynolds wasn’t done yet.
The next routine started. This time, everyone started moving in sequence at once.
And except for the fact that Dr. Reynolds looked older, it was easy to think that she was just another student.
One of the students was filming the entire thing. And when the performance was over, they uploaded the footage onto YouTube. It soon went viral.
To date, the video has gained over 3.5 million views. It also has more than 10,000 likes and 700 comments. People have been saying things like this:
Could the principal of your old school have done something like this? You might think that they definitely couldn’t, but the students of Lake Mary High School could never have imagined their principal performing with the step team, until it happened.
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Source: Becky