Poor pup chained to wall her entire life gets emotional when she learns she’s finally free

Sadly not everyone who has pets are animal-lovers. It can be very difficult for many of us to wrap our heads around how someone can be cruel to animals who just want us to love them. It happens quite often, however.

A poor dog named Maria was not given the love and support of a caring human family that all dogs deserve.

Her owners had no regard for Maria’s well-being at all.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Maria spent her life tied to the porch.

The only thing Maria’s owners wanted her for was to have a dog guard their porch.

They did not give her any affection, did not take her on walks, and did not provide a loving home for her. All they did was chain her to a wall. This was the totality of Maria’s life.

Thankfully, there are kind-hearted animal lovers out there who dedicate their lives and careers to helping animals in need. They are the ones working to save dogs like Maria from abuse.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Let’s Adopt! International comes to Maria’s rescue.

An organization named “Let’s Adopt! International” heard about Maria’s story. They launched an investigation into the matter.

The organization’s owner, Viktor Larkhill, works tirelessly to rescue animals from abusive situations.

Once rescued, the animals are given temporary shelter, treatment for injuries they’ve sustained, and then the organization looks for a permanent home for them.

Viktor would later say that Maria’s situation was once of the worst cases of abuse he has ever seen.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Viktor receives a call about Maria.

Viktor and his team received a call about Maria. They set out for Cartal, Spain to investigate the situation.

When they arrived at Maria’s location, they could not believe what they were seeing.

Maria was chained to a wall outside. She did not have the basic needs a dog requires to be happy. She didn’t have exercise, love, or family.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Maria was never even given a name.

Viktor spoke with the owners and was upset to learn they had never even bothered to give Maria a name. That’s how little they cared for her.

The owners also told Viktor that Maria had spent her entire life chained to the wall, having first been chained up when she was only a puppy.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Despite Maria’s situation, Viktor’s team found her quite friendly when they approached her.

The rescue team wondered if Maria knew they were there to rescue her.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Maria was in critical condition.

Maria was not in good physical condition.

Her fur was almost completely matted and her rescuers discovered that she had a large tumor on her backside. It was so large that it prevented her from sitting comfortably.

The rescue team cut the chains away from Maria and took her with them. They also gave her the name Maria.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

Maria spends time in the ICU.

Maria was taken to an animal hospital for a check-up. They discovered numerous tumors and she was scheduled for surgery.

The surgery was successful, however, and doctors were able to remove the tumors. She had to spend some time in the ICU but came out of it a healthy and much happier dog.

She was now healthy and free. The only thing left was to find her a forever home.

YouTube - Viktor Larkhill Source: YouTube - Viktor Larkhill

After just 2 weeks, a loving family came forward and adopted Maria. They are now giving her the life she deserves but had been denied for so long.

Her well-being is all thanks to Viktor and the team from “Let’s Adopt! International.” Animal lovers everywhere owe them a giant thank you for their hard work.

Learn more about Maria’s incredible story in the video below!

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Source: Viktor Larkhill/Let’s Adopt! International
