Dog picks up ‘funny’ piece of trash while out walking with mom

Walking our dogs is a relaxing part of the day, and sometimes it can be a funny story, too.

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As pet owners, it is our responsibility to watch over our dogs and their weight. One great way to achieve this is by taking a walk with the pups regularly.

Walking your dog has a lot of benefits. It gives your dog a lot of things to see, making them feel less stressed and happier, too. This would, of course, help them massively in terms of weight management and keeping them strong and energetic.

Pexels - Dariusz Grosa Source: Pexels - Dariusz Grosa

Stepping outside to walk your dog also helps you in the process.

Your dog begins to learn socializing, and you also get your own exercise thru walking. If you are lucky enough, these walks will not only keep you entertained and active, but they can also be a source of funny moments with your pup.

Pexels - Gustavo Pring Source: Pexels - Gustavo Pring

This is exactly what happened when a woman took her dog out for a walk and something unusual occurred. What’s even more special is that she managed to capture all of what took place on camera!

Peggy Kern and her dog, Minnie, went out for their regular walk when the pup suddenly saw something on the pavement.

TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern Source: TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern

As the duo walks along their neighborhood, Peggy realized that her pup seemed to be interested in something she saw lying on the roadside. Now, dogs are naturally curious, but sometimes it does not always help them especially if they keep getting trash because of them figuring out all the things they find lying around.

As Peggy walked on with the pup, she noticed that they were getting more stares and some of the people they pass by are even smiling. Is something funny? Did she have something on her face that she did not know about?

TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern Source: TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern

Peggy continuously grew concerned about what could be the reason why people are staring at her and Minnie.

When she looked at her dog carefully, she could not help but laugh, too. The doggo certainly found a “trash” on the street and decided to bring it with her.

TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern Source: TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern

The “trash” turned out to be a pacifier! No wonder everyone kept on staring with laughing eyes. They must have thought that Peggy knew her dog had the pacifier in her mouth while they strolled.

It was unusual, but Peggy saw that Minnie totally loved the pacifier.

TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern Source: TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern

She thought of getting rid of it, but Minnie loves the pacifier too much to tear it away from her. It is a funny moment that Peggy could not help but share on social media.

Everyone who saw her TikTok video went nuts over the cute pup. Who can blame them? Minnie looks so cute with the pacifier in her mouth. She truly is one big baby—Peggy’s baby!

TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern Source: TikTok Screenshot - Peggy Kern

Witness the funny but adorable moment that Peggy shared on TikTok and prepare to be charmed by Minnie.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family. my sweet little baby 😭😭 #dog #dogsoftiktok #puppy #puppylove #labrador #americanstaffordshireterrier #baby ♬ Funny Song – Cavendish Music

Source: TikTok – Peggy Kern, The Dodo
