Staff see puppies hiding under a play box – pull it up and their hearts immediately melt

Everyone knows that Golden retrievers are pretty special dogs. Like all dog species, they have a unique set of traits that separates them from the rest. Unlike many other dogs, though, Golden’s seem to know they’re different.

Billie is an adorable, bubbly Golden retriever pup that loves to play with other dogs.

Unfortunately, Billie doesn’t have any fur siblings to pal around with between naps and eating. Thankfully, though, her mom’s got her back.

Instagram/GoldenGirl.Billie Source: Instagram/GoldenGirl.Billie

Emily Buchenberger is Billie’s mom, and when she heard about puppy play hour she was all for it! Puppy hour is a single hour carved out of the day just for dogs. During this time, puppies anywhere from 8 to 18-weeks-old can run around and play with each other off-leash for a full hour.

The facility will usually have play structures of various sizes and ramps that they can climb and run around on. They even have a dog trainer handy to answer all the puppy parent’s questions about their pups’ behavior.

In other words, this is Golden retriever Heaven!

Instagram/GoldenGirl.Billie Source: Instagram/GoldenGirl.Billie

According to the Totally Goldens website, a Golden retriever’s sweet and loyal nature makes them a perfect option for a family pet. However, they also note that this breed is particularly “high-energy” and can become destructive if they aren’t trained well.

Part of training Golden retrievers well includes lots of playtime and socialization, and Puppy Hour provides both.

Being that all dogs that fit in the specified age-range are welcome, Billie had a plethora of pups to choose from to play with. The facility even separates the dogs into two categories by size, age, and play styles to increase the odds that everyone gets along.

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Even so, Emily noticed something interesting about her Golden retriever pup when they went to Puppy Hour.

While Billie could have chosen to play with all the pups and made many new friends, she seemed to be gravitating toward all of the other Golden retrievers in the room. Though it’s not surprising Billie wanted to play with the other Goldens, it is surprising that she didn’t spend more time meeting some of the other dogs.

The goldens have similar play styles so they immediately clicked. There might as well not have been the other 15 puppies at puppy hour because the goldens were attached to each other like glue,” Emily explained in an interview with The Dodo.

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Then Emily noticed something else that was also a bit strange. Not only did the Goldens only seem to want to play with each other, but they were doing it in secret!

Most puppies ran around or jumped onto the objects, but not the goldens. They almost exclusively played with each other underneath the objects in secrecy,” she continued.

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After observing the retrievers engage in their top-secret play activities for a while, Emily noticed that three of them had converged beneath a play structure. Adorably, all three of their doggy butts were hanging out of a hole on each side of the structure, tails a-wagging.

It seemed that Emily wasn’t the only one to pick up on the peculiar play habits of the Goldens in the room.

One of the dog dads had also seen this hilarious gathering, and decided to find out just what these mischievous mutts were up to. Fortunately, Emily pulled out her camera and recorded the Golden’s unveiling.

The dog dad quietly creeps up to the box they’re all hiding beneath and lifts it to reveal a trio of Golden retriever puppies with their front paws all intertwined with one another.

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These cuties were totally caught holding paws together and it’s the most adorable thing in the world.

The pups were caught red-pawed and while everyone else thought it was the cutest thing on the planet, the Goldens didn’t like their secret getting out. They immediately got up and acted like nothing ever happened. Then, of course, they reconvened in “secret” moments later.

We found them all calmly interlocking paws. They definitely were not expecting to be exposed and immediately dispersed. Soon after, they met back up underneath the bridge to secretly play,” Emily finishes.

At home, Billie loves to take her most treasured possessions to hide them underneath the furniture or wherever is adequately hidden from view. Finding Billie with her two Golden friends beneath the play structure at Puppy Hour only goes to show just how alike Golden retrievers are, and how much they treasure one another.

To see the adorably hilarious unveiling of the trio of Golden retriever pups holding paws, watch the short video clip below.

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Source: GoldenGirl.Billie/The Dodo
