20 adorable photos of puppies with their ridiculously proud parents

“A mother’s love does not set with the sun. It blankets you all through the night.” Being a human, or an animal – a mother is still a mother and plays the most significant role in her baby’s life. The animal kingdom is flush with some amazing parents, and dog moms are incredible. Did you know that the mom dog starts feeding her first puppy before the rest of the litter has even been born? Yes, being a mom is a tough job.

Nature makes sure that mothers of pups are proud of their babies. Since it’s very common to see dogs giving birth to a whole litter, we’ve made a collection of multiple photos to celebrate multiple babies.

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Before your heart melts from looking at so many cute photos, we want to share another interesting fact with you: According to many vets, the number of mama dog’s nipples determines the size of the litter. Check out the number of nipples – a dog usually has half that many puppies.

A proud mother, Winnie Pooh blanket, and all those colorful collars

Proud mother
byu/SamwiseGimli inaww

Look at them – soft, fluffy, and so very sleepy. The mother is posing with her litter as if she wants to say “It’s not because they’re mine, but these babies are adorable!” We agree with momma, seeing so many furry little ones cheered us up in an instant.

Little sushi rolls!

I made these.
byu/needdis inaww

A Corgi mom takes a break from her mother’s duties to take a photo with her babies. Again, they’re sleeping, but that’s normal for babies. We envy the owner, imagine having so many fluffy rolls. It’s a family photo at its best.

So small!


Here we have a dog mom that looks at the camera taking some measures of precaution. She’s careful not to let someone get too close to her babies. It’s perfectly understandable. Just take a look, they’re so small, these furballs don’t even look like dogs yet, but they’ll be as beautiful as their mother when they grow up. And check out the smallest one that’s snuggling with his mommy. Precious!

A box full of joy!


The owner put all baby huskies in a box, and both parents wanted to be in a photo with them. We must say that little huskies look like wolves. It’s great to see a dad’s helping hand. We bet they’re amazing parents.

The resemblance is wrinkling… Errr, we mean striking!

“I, big wrinkle, made all these little wrinkles.”
byu/gabbitronn inaww

Wrinkles run in the family, and aren’t they stunning?! Mom’s got a lot of fashion sense, she put her five babies in front of that glittery pillow. It must be because, for her, they sparkle as much as possible. A mother’s love is endless. Her babies know it, that’s why they sleep so calmly.

“They got my eyebrows!”

Rottweiler puppies and Moma
byu/irawwwr inaww

Rottweilers’ mom is smiling at the camera, sealing her babies’ spotlight just for a moment. The “I made these” expression on her face is hilarious. We’re obsessed with how cute those little eyebrows are. Mom’s happy face and blinky eyes say it all.

The funniest photo so far!


A simple photo of a mom dog trying to feed her babies is not that funny, but take a look at this litter having lunch. There is always that one child! The one puppy that eats while being upside down. The others don’t fall behind either, their food fight is so comical.

Family picture day!


Well, this photo is the most elegant of them all. A whole ”woof woof family” is there, look at their postures, and the way they look at the camera. An amazing, proud family of Golden Retrievers. Babies are in a basket, and we can’t believe how calm they are. Congratulations to the photographer.

Fluffy bums!

Puppy bums
byu/louiebaur inaww

Imagine those little fluffy tails wagging like crazy. Add some butt wiggling in the process. Yes, it’s super funny. Mom is incredibly calm during the feeding time, but all we hear is Despicable Me’s voice, and “It’s so fluffy, I’m gonna dieeeee!”

Spots, spots everywhere!

Proud Mommy!
byu/DogeFancy inaww

We have trouble counting all the puppies. There must be at least 15 of them in that basket. Now we understand where the inspiration for “101 Dalmatians” came from. Did you know that a Dalmatian litter size can reach up to 15 puppies?

Another snap of puppy backs!


How many times can one person melt during the reading of an article? Each time we see a photo, as cute as this one, a heart starts melting. Mom is laying on her back, her babies are eating, the perfect scene is all set. Snap! There you have it, a wonderful photo!

“I’m watching you!”


Do you remember how most parents used to supervise their children during the meal? We weren’t allowed to leave the table until we eat everything from the plate. This photo reminded us a lot of those times. Anyway, babies have to eat a lot to grow up happy and healthy. You do you, mama, you know what’s best for your puppies!

“My kiddos are the most beautiful kiddos ever!”

I made these :)
byu/Iangator inaww

We know that we’ve said it about every mom on the list, but this one looks so very proud. It’s unbelievable. In case you ask yourself why all those baby puppies are asleep in the photos, that’s because they sleep 15-20 hours a day. That’s not so unusual though, human babies also spend around 16 hours a day sleeping.

We counted 19! Wow!


The proud mom gave birth to a lot of little chocolates. Their color made us think about chocolate right away. And look how curly they are. Irish Setters usually have around 12 babies in a litter, and many people suggested that there must be two litters. Whatever the case is, the mom deserves an award for being so patient with that many puppies.

Puppies all around!


We must say that this is, by far, the most confident looking mom. Despite giving birth to so many puppies, her swag tells us that she’s keeping everything under control. Impressive!

6 new ones!

My dog also had puppies this morning.
byu/di_ng_di_ng inaww

If you ever wanted to see puppies that are just a few hours old – here it is. One piece of information is particularly interesting: puppies are born blind and deaf. They don’t even open their eyes until they are bout two weeks old. How do they get around then? Well, baby dogs rely on their sense of smell to find mom. Then they rely on their mom!

Look how they sleep, piled up on each other!


It’s always funny to see puppies in a crowd, sleeping close next to each other. That’s because the warmth of other babies feels soothing for pups. Taking about sibling’s love. Anyway, this mom is enjoying some time off, while her brood is fast asleep.

The look!


Wow, she feels safe and comfortable This owner must be extremely proud to see so much love in his dog’s eyes. It’s obvious that the mom feels at home, and she’s comfortable with her canines in that household.

The one that didn’t turn to the left!


Bulldog puppies are so adorable, looking like tough babies. Mom took them out, they seem like they have to complete an exercise. “Now turn to the left!” All do it. Except for that one kid. There’s always the one who plays by his own rules! Did we mention how adorable they are? Maybe you didn’t know this, but bulldogs come in about ten different colors and four different markings.

A family that knows how to sit for a perfect shot!


Golden Retrievers are so beautiful, you simply have to give them a full family photoshoot. Look at those babies, look how amazingly they pose around their mom. We think that they know that they’re little superstars, and they enjoy being in the spotlight. Do you know what else the exuberant dog breed enjoys? Eating! Golden Retrievers will eat anything, from their food to papers and crayons on the table. Make sure to keep an eye on them, because they tend to overeat, too.

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Source: AustinTexas; BoredPanda; AKC; AnimalChannel;
