Brave stray puppy leads rescuers to an abandoned building to save his brother

Dogs have a pack mentality and can be very loyal to each other as well as humans that they care for.

Even though they might be hungry and have needs of their own, they’ll look out for their siblings or others they consider family.

This stray puppy did exactly that.

He led rescuers to his brother so they could help him.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

Rescue organization works to help stray dogs in China.

In China, there is no national program to help stray animals, so it’s up to volunteers to help care for these animals. The organization from this story is named Northeast Animal Rescue.

They often help needy animals that live in areas with many abandoned factories that are littered with trash.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

“We are a regional homeless animal rescue organization, has been committed to the homeless animal rescue, treatment, shelter, provide suitable living conditions for animals, to ensure that each animal can receive adequate nutrition food and warm and comfortable accommodation,” the organizations website reads.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

Puppy barks for rescuers to help his brother.

The puppy would later be named Rocky.

The rescuers noted that it seemed as though the little guy wanted them to follow him. So, that’s exactly what they did.

Rocky leads the crew up several flights of stairs. He was definitely not running away from them, however. Rocky was clearly leading them somewhere.

When they reached the corner of a building, it finally became clear where he had been leading them and why.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

Rocky was leading the rescuers to his brother.

The little puppy was later named Buddy and was curled up in a corner. He looked scared and possibly hurt.

It was clear that Rocky was looking out for his brother and wanted to get him some help.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

Northeast Animal Rescue saves both Rocky and Buddy.

It can be a hard life for a stray puppy. Finding food and a safe place to sleep can be tough, especially in areas where there is lots of competition for both.

These little puppies didn’t seem to have any parents in sight either. They were young, scared, and needed help.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

Thankfully there are good-hearted people that work for such rescue organizations.

Without them, the animals would truly be all on their own to survive.

And rescuing them is well worth it.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

Rocky and Buddy are taken in.

While there is no national program for shelters in China, organizations like Northeast Animal Rescue often provide homes for animals that need them.

Both Rocky and Buddy were taken in, given a bath and some much-needed food.

The staff at the rescue provide a home for strays where they can play with other animals, get the nutrition they need, and feel the warmth and love of humans who care for their well-being.

YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue Source: YouTube - Northeast Animal Rescue

“Here, the animals are no longer lonely and melancholy, they are enjoying the playfulness of their companions, they can be well cared for by the staff, and a large number of volunteers are constantly coming to visit them. All of this has made our institution known as an animal sanctuary,” the About Us section of their website continues.

Watch Rocky lead rescuers to his brother in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Northeast Animal Rescue, China/Northeast Animal Rescue
