Cop investigates crying sound in dumpster only to find a puppy and make her part of the team

Police officers help more than just people. Many officers have received a call where the one needing help was an animal, such as a cat or dog. When one puppy was in trouble, the Wichita Police Department arrived to save her day. Now she is paying the department back in a special way.

A call for help

Wikimedia Common – Niteowlneils Source: Wikimedia Common – Niteowlneils

It all started when the Wichita Police Department got a call about cries coming from a dumpster. Captain Kevin Kochenderfer responded to the call and was surprised by what he found, a three-month-old puppy.


Somehow, the puppy had made her way into the area of the dumpster. Captain Kochenderfer did what anybody else would do, he took the puppy back to the police station and cleaned her up.

Taking the puppy in

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Not sure whether she was a stray, or had been abandoned, the officers at the station decided to take her in as one of their own. Naming her Nora, the police officers rotated caring for her each night, bringing her back to the station the next morning.

Nora finds a home

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It was Officer Kochenderfer who finally decided to adopt her, “Eventually after about a month, she ended up at my house permanently,” Kochenderfer told KWCH12.

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Even though Kochenderfer was now Nora’s owner, he continued to take her to the police station with him each day. Over time, Nora became an invaluable member of the police department. She started working with kids involved in traumatic situations as a therapy dog.

“It’s positive for the kids. It’s positive for the police. It just worked out great,” Kochenderfer said.

Emotional support animals

Flickr – The U.S. Army Source: Flickr – The U.S. Army

Emotional support animals, such as therapy dogs, work with individuals who have suffered from some sort of trauma. In many cases, these are members of the U.S. military suffering from PTSD. But, as in the case with Nora, this can also include working with children who have suffered from a traumatic event.

Nora becomes a part of the police department

YouTube Screenshot – 9NEWS Source: YouTube Screenshot – 9NEWS

The plan is to have Nora officially trained as a therapy dog once she is old enough. And while Nora has found a perfect home with Captain Kochenderfer, she is giving back and doing what she can for the community, just like a real police dog.

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For more on Nora, and her journey from homeless to an invaluable member of the Wichita Police Department, check out the following video.

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Sources: KWCH12, 9NEWS
