Pups from the same litter recognize each other when they accidentally met on the street

We, humans, recognize our own siblings and family members. Are dogs the same?

Pexels - Chevanon Photography Source: Pexels - Chevanon Photography

It was a regular day for a man named Dave. He was out walking his pup named Monty when suddenly, he realized that the dog walking on the same street as theirs looks exactly like his dog, except that it is a white version of his pup.

It was Rosie, his dog’s sister who also belonged to the same litter of six puppies born almost a year ago. He thought they would not recognize each other after being apart for so long, but he was mistaken.

Their reaction is quite unique and endearing.

Monty was walking on his regular route when the dog spotted white-furred Rosie from where he was standing. He immediately approached the dog, who was also trying to get close to him.

Instead of playing with each other like other dogs, the two of them hugged, looking like they knew exactly who the other dog was. They wrapped their paws around each other and stayed that way for a few moments.

Anybody who saw that moment would instantly think that the dogs knew each other.

It was as if the two pups were familiar with one another, despite the fact that they just met. True enough, the dog actually are related. They were part of the same litter and were together when they were very little.

After 10 months apart, they finally found each other and hugged tightly. It was an adorable moment, indeed! The pups were very excited to see each other after spending almost a year apart.

Facebook - Susan Killip Source: Facebook - Susan Killip

Susan Killip, Rosie’s fur mom, was so happy for her little girl.

She shared her take on what happened on that special day.

“My husband Lee and I took Rosie for a walk one day and bumped into David. Aw, it was so lovely, they both just jumped up and hugged each other, it was amazing, they remembered each other after 10 months of not seeing each other,” remembers Susan. “I took some photos and sent them to Jean and that was the last I heard of it until Jean rang me to say David had sent them to a friend who sent them to his daughter Libby and the next thing we know they were on Twitter and, as you know, it’s just gone crazy from there.”

Twitter user Libby Pincher posted about the encounter and shared a photo of her dad’s message from Dave.

After that post, people online could not get enough of what the two pups did. They were cute and their reunion was definitely a heartwarming one. Aaw!

Pexels - Carissa Rogers Source: Pexels - Carissa Rogers

Dave and his wife Jean lived in a village next to the neighborhood where Rosie’s family live. It was not too far from where the other dog lived, so it was likely that the dog will soon meet once more, although it took them 10 months before they met again.

We may never know if dogs really recognize their siblings, but Monty and Rosie are cute reminders that maybe, just maybe, they do.

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Source: Twitter – Libby Pincher, Facebook – Susan Killip, Positive Outlooks
