Ramen baths are the newest beauty trend and we’re not sure how to feel about it

It’s quick to make, delicious, and perfect comfort food for a cold night on the couch.

We’re talking about ramen noodles of course – the perfect noodle and soup dish. Ramen noodles originate from Japan and are a local delicacy, but they’ve taken over the world and have become quite popular in recent years.


You can find ramen noodles in all kinds of different flavors, often served in a broth that’s chicken, vegetable, or meat-based.

Soy sauce, extra pork, eggs, nori, scallions – the possibilities with ramen noodles are pretty much infinite.


Ramen noodles have been around for more than a hundred years.

They’ve pretty much popped up in every store you can find.

In a lot of larger cities, you’ll find restaurants that are specifically focussed on ramen dishes, just because it’s so versatile and tasty. People absolutely seem to love this Japanese dish and for good reason.

Pexels - Jan Nguyen Source: Pexels - Jan Nguyen

However, it turns out that ramen noodles aren’t only made to be eaten.

Some people swear to bathe in them.

That’s definitely a very special way of proving your love for ramen noodles, but it would apparently be beneficial for your health as well. As a result, there’s now a beauty trend going on of taking ramen baths.

Understandably, not everyone is sure how to feel about it.

The idea does seem a little bit weird.


The whole thing started where ramen noodles themselves originated, Japan.

The Yunessan Spa House in Hakone, Japan started offering a very special wellness service.


Bathing yourself in a broth of ramen noodles would result in improved metabolism, and would also boost your collagen.

It turns out that this spa has been offering ramen noodle treatments since 2007, but with the craze for ramen lately, it has only become well-known recently.

“Lately people are very concerned about having beautiful skin, and they know the effect of collagen, which is contained in our pork-based broth. At this bath, everybody can have fun and take advantage of the healthy elements of ramen noodles,” Ichiro Furuya told, who is the owner of Yunessan Spa House.


Ramen is taking over the world and has clearly extended beyond the kitchen.

Often being praised as a dish that is perfect to experiment with, and having a powerful and distinctive taste, many chefs believe that the ramen noodles hype isn’t going anywhere. Even though noodles are quite simple, it’s apparently the broth soup that makes this dish characteristics – and according to some spas, it’s this broth that has good properties when applied to your skin too, making people look younger.


Just add it to the list of other food-related beauty trends, such as bathing in olive oil, milk, or even scrubbing your skin with coffee grinds.

In other words, you won’t be seeing ramen noodles only in bowls from now on. You don’t even have to visit a spa to get one of these ramen treatments, you can simply do it in your bathtub as well! You can skip all the extras such as seasonings, toppings, and spices, though.


Taking a bath in broth isn’t entirely new as there are some references to it in history.

“Broth bathing appears to share a tandem history with ‘hydrotherapy,’ the therapeutic immersion of the body in warm mineral water,” Susanna Forest wrote for Atlas Obscura. “Physicians believed that skin was permeable, so if mercury could seep out, then surely the hearty properties of spring water or bouillon could seep in.”


Does it really work?

If there is indeed collagen in the broth, these claims might hold some truth. Numerous scientific studies have shown that collagen does indeed improve your skin elasticity, which is great for healthier and younger-looking skin.

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Source: Yunnesan Spa, Birchbox
