Woman wakes up and finds random dog hanging out on her patio furniture


Surprises come in many forms and… species?

That’s what exactly happened to a family just recently when they woke up to a furry surprise.

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Amy Haden and her family usually wake up early in the morning. That day, her daughter called her attention saying that there was a dog on her patio furniture on their back porch.

Chillin’ like a boss!

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At first, Hayden thought it was just one of their dogs since they also own two at home. But when she looked at it, it was a dog that she had never seen before. Her daughter also said it wasn’t any of their neighbors’ dogs.

As what was shown on a now viral video, the dog seemed to be comfortably seated on their furniture. The dog’s head was resting on the furniture cushion and was really chill in the middle of that awkward moment.

“It’s like he had taken up residence, right? Like he completely made himself at home, on the cushions, and he just never left,” Amy told Good Morning America in an interview.

Their surprise furry guest refused to leave.

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The dog decided to stay and made the residence his turf.

“Every morning we’d get up and he’d still be there, or we’d come back home from work and he’d still be there. And so he kind of just made himself at home,” Haden said.

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Concerned about the dog’s real owners, Amy tried every option in search of them. She reached out to their community through social media. She also texted her neighbors and asked them if they somehow know who the dog’s owners are.

As it turned out, the dog had also been to the rest of the neighborhood as well. He probably fell in love with the area and with the friendly people residing in it.

They also went to a vet and scanned him for a chip but found no luck.

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They searched everywhere possible but found no owners. It’s kind of disheartening to think that the dog was from somewhere far and just got dumped there by his previous owners.

Amy said, “No clue where he came from, where he has been, or what it was called.”

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They reached out to TikTok and asked people online what they wanted to name the dog. Soon, the majority of the online community agreed to call him “Walker.”

It somehow fits him since he’s been wandering around the neighborhood. A Walker indeed.

Unfortunately, the Haydens weren’t ready yet to take an additional pooch in.

As much as they wanted to, they simply can’t.

“Unfortunately, no matter how wonderful he is, he did not get along with our other pets,” Amy explained.

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They even got judged for their decision.

“You know, we weren’t looking for a pet. We’re not abandoning a pet. This is a pet that just showed up at my house one day. And so, it’s difficult for us to sort of navigate that. The, you know, the vet care, and the responsibility, and stealing things from the neighbors. And so it was difficult for other people to understand kind of the position that we were in as far as taking on the responsibility of an extra pet,” she added.

After a month of taking care of Walker, they eventually found him a new forever home and family.

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According to Amy, it was a sweet elderly woman. Walker’s new mom also told them that she had been praying for a dog like him. It was an answered prayer for the lady and a new family for Walker. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!

We are sure Walker and his new family are going to have lots of fun memories together. A happy ending indeed for everyone.

Watch the video below to know more about this story.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site, YouTube
