Officer watches three rappers rush to help an elderly couple into their car

There is nothing as heartwarming as the kindness of strangers.

Helping another person purely because they are a human being who needs it is as good of an act as one can commit. The three men in this story did exactly that when they discovered an elderly couple who were struggling to get into their vehicle.

The kind act was caught on camera, shared around the world, and will hopefully serve as inspiration for others to be similarly good-hearted.

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David and Rose Griest were having trouble getting into their vehicle.

David is 100 years old and his wife Rose is 89. We will all deal with mobility issues as we age, but thankfully there are people out there who respect their elders and are willing to pitch in when necessary to lend a helping hand. Orlando rappers, Joc Koe Stoe, Freddy G, and Marty are three such people.

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David and Rose had stopped to use the bathroom at a gas station on their way back from the doctor’s office.

David was helping Rose get back into the vehicle but was struggling.

That’s when the three men stepped in to assist.

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The three men help Rose into the car.

Marty spoke with Fox 5 News about the incident.

“We didn’t even ask if they needed help, we felt comfortable giving them a hand right away. I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother.’”

Joc added: “We seen an old couple having a hard time so we just assisted them.”

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An officer drives past and records what took place.

Officer Kanesha Carnegie drove past the 3 men helping the couple and was taken aback by what she was witnessing. She stopped at the gas station as well to see if she could provide any further assistance.

“As I was sitting there, I looked to my left and I noticed these young men helping this elderly couple. I jumped out of my truck and went over to assist them, and when I got there they kind of had it under control you know, so I thought at the time it looked really beautiful. That was a nice view to see, you know, I stepped back and I just videoed them,” the Sheriff’s Deputy recounted to Inside Edition.

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David thanks the three men for their help.

Once Rose was safely inside the couple’s minivan, David thanked the three men for their help. He then made his way to the driver’s side of the car with his walker as he told the men that he is 100 years old.

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“You’re 100 years old? Yet you’re still doing it. That’s good,” one man can be heard saying to David.

Another one of the men had some parting words to Rose as well.

“Take it easy, momma,” he can be heard saying to her in the video.

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Officer Carnegie hopes this act will serve as inspiration for others.

Officer Carnegie was proud of the three men in the video, who she says she knows from the neighborhood.

“I know these men from the neighborhood, and I wanted them to have that moment to show who they really are,” Carnegie said about the trio of local rappers.

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Many people who have viewed footage of this kind-hearted act have felt compelled to leave a comment.

“Hope for the human race. I love how that guy called the lady “momma.” So beautiful. Make the world a better place with kindness. Show your love,” one viewer on YouTube wrote.

“Nothing in this world can beat the power of love and kindness. God bless these three young men,” wrote another.

Watch the video below!

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Source: Inside Edition/Daily Mail
