Woman captures rare pics of 'eye of storm' on phone and they're mesmerizing
An enormous cyclone storm hit Ireland and the UK, spreading across northern Europe earlier this month. Known as storm Ciara, the record-breaking rager has claimed the lives of at least 7 people and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.
While we know how terrible a storm can be, though, one woman captured several snaps of the storm that can’t help but remind us how powerfully beautiful they are, as well.
Her name is Sarah Hodges of Bolton, UK. The 48-year-old lunar lover was out admiring the way the moon was so brilliantly lit against the oncoming storm on the eve of February 11th and decided to try and get a few good photos.
“I took the pictures last Tuesday 11 Feb 2020, between 9.34 pm and 9.39 pm, just from my bedroom window at my home address. I am obsessed with the moon, sunset, sunrise, and the sea,” Hodges recalls in an interview with Bored Panda.
The woman stunned herself and the rest of the world when she ended up capturing the ever-elusive ‘eye of the storm’.
The craziest part about it, though, is that she managed to get these priceless photographs on her phone camera.
No filters or shutter settings available to her, she just photographed what she could in the moment for her to look at later. What phone came equipped with a camera able to capture such a beautiful and notoriously difficult image, you might ask? None other than the Samsung9.
“I just used my Samsung S9. I know I got lucky, people spend thousands on cameras to get the perfect shot. I feel overwhelmed and proud, as it’s a once in a lifetime shot… which I do understand,” she continued.
Hodges shared the images to social media, where it ended up being shared by another woman to the DRUID Facebook group.
The pictures were shared to the group just under two weeks ago and have already been shared over 19,000 times!
One person even noted in the comments that she had shared it to a separate group where it received over 1,700 shares in less than a single day. According to Bored Panda, the post has collectively seen over 35,000 shares.
There is a reason these images of the eye of storm Ciara are going so viral.
Not only is it incredibly rare to get a clear shot of such a motion-filled event, but the images she did manage to get on her camera phone are strikingly majestic.
“I took the pictures manually without any shutter settings, so I was incredibly lucky to get the shot,” explains Hodges, making photophiles everywhere even more jealous.
In addition to all the havoc the storm has wreaked, it’s nice to witness something so gorgeous come from it.
The storm may have been boasting upwards of 100 mile per hour winds that left a path of destruction in its wake, but it also revealed some pretty amazing things. The Isle of Wight experienced 80+ mph winds pelting an excessive amount of rain that unveiled an ancient dinosaur footprint.
“All this weather is revealing traces of vanished worlds along our coastline. This is a really fascinating example of how events like Storm Ciara continue to expose traces of ancient environments around our geologically unique coastline, often in plain sight,” shares the Vickers of Wight Coast Fossils of the 130 million year old foot print.
While storms like Ciara are dreaded and fierce, they also have a way of reminding us of what’s important in life and just how vast and powerful it really is.
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Source: Sarah Hodges/Druid/Bored Panda/LadBible